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Logan opened his eyes to warm sunlight tickling his nose. He felt the soft mattress giving in under him. A soft yawn escaped his lips. The costume on his body was like a second skin, the elastic fabric stretching and pulling as he tossed around. Tugging the blanket up to his chin, he turned to the side to avoid the bright rays of the sun. Dad surely would let him sleep a few more moments... wait, what?

Quickly, all sense of comfort was gone as he jolted awake from the bed, sitting up as straight as a stick. The fogginess inside of his mind slowly cleared once he remembered the events before this situation. He remembered fighting alongside Degree against Syren and her two minions. So why was it that he was lying in a stranger's bed in the middle of the morning?

Without losing another second, he pulled the blanket away and swung his legs over the side of the wooden bed. He stretched his limbs; his bones locked into place satisfyingly. On the nightstand laid his mask patiently, wanting to be picked up. Looking around the room in panic, he found pictures of a young man and a young woman — both resembling each other clearly. His eyes continued to wander over the calendar that hung on the wooden door.

The room was decorated plainly, as if the one who normally occupied the room didn't spend much time in here. He slowly calmed down, but still remained on high alert. Who did it belong to, he wondered. The pair of siblings in the framed picture on the nightstand? His head was blank and couldn't comprehend what was happening currently.

Logan paced back and forth, thinking of his next move. Unable to settle on one object, his eyes darted around the room. That was until the calendar drew all of his attention away from the rest. He gasped in shock, his face coming closer to the year. At first, he thought that his mind had played a trick on him, fooling him into thinking that this wasn't the present.

But the more his eyes looked at the current year, he finally understood that his mind hadn't made a mistake. Indeed, he had travelled eighteen years into the past. Blankly, his eyes were trained on the door.

That was until all out of a sudden, the door knob rattled and the door was swung open with such force that he was catapulted onto the ground. Logan groaned as he held his forehead in utter pain. Curses reached his ears before a foreign male helped him up. He was guided over to the bed to sit.

"I'm sorry, but I thought you were still sleeping!" the man sputtered out in a deep voice, worry and a little bit of embarrassment layering his tone. Logan nodded once the throbbing feeling in his forehead slowly subsided. He raised his gaze to meet bright brown eyes that reminded our hero of a very precious person to him. "Are you alright?" Logan was snapped out of his train of thoughts.

"Yeah... it's fine," he seethed through a smile. "But, who are you? Why am I here?"

"Are you interrogating me?" the stranger asked with a teasing smile of his own whilst kneeling down in front of the teen. It was then that Logan noticed the police badge on his chest. The silver of it reflected the sunrays, blinding him. The man's words were pure irony, Logan knew. "I should ask you who you are, young man. I come home from a night shift to find you passed out in my front yard, wearing a hero's costume."

"Me?" Logan hesitated for a second, avoiding the male's curious stare. "Oh well, my name is Logan Roberts. It's nice to meet you, sir."

"Logan, your costume... it's the same that Myth wears," the man commented with a calculating gaze; his eyes lost all of their warmth for a second. Logan gulped, not exactly sure how he could escape from this situation. "Are you—"

"Brother!" a female voice shouted from downstairs, interrupting the man from finishing his question. He jumped a little at the sudden intrusion. Standing up and moving away from Logan, his face turned to the ajar door. "Breakfast is ready!"

"I'm coming, Evelyn." The male rubbing his eyes tiredly. Logan continued to eye him suspiciously, wondering what would happen next. "Are you coming for breakfast or do you want to starve?" The stranger laughed as he stood in the door frame, waving Logan over to him.

Hesitantly, Logan stood up and followed the tall male down the stairs into a little living room. It was spacious enough and yet held a little homely feeling to it. His shoulders sagged slightly; the hero let his guard down at the relaxed atmosphere. The man led him into a kitchen, where the heavenly smell of pancakes originated from. Immediately, Logan had to prevent drool from escaping his mouth.

"Good morning, little bird," the woman at the stove muttered as she laughed at the sight of his costume. Logan turned flustered. "I hope your fall from the sky wasn't too painful."

"That's Evelyn, my sister." Logan took a seat and went on to silently stare at the eating table. His mind still couldn't comprehend the fact that Syren had truly managed to travel in time. He must have looked paler than usual, which earned him concerning glances from both adults.

"You'll feel better after you've eaten," Evelyn muttered with a warm smile while she was in the middle of placing a plate with delicious smelling pancakes in front of him. Logan managed to stutter out a meek 'thank you' before he hungrily devoured the food. All the while, the male looked at him in worry.

Evelyn's brother piped up, "I don't know what to do with you, honestly. Where do you live? I could bring you home before I have to get to work."

"Uh... it's complicated," Logan mumbled as he scratched his head in confusion. He decided on not telling them that he had travelled in time; it would cause unwanted suspicion. "I don't know where to go, either..."

"Well, I have to go to work at my café now," Evelyn exclaimed in hurry before she threw the dirty dishes into the dishwasher and sped out of the house without another word. The man sighed, annoyance ringing through his voice.

"I always have to take responsibility even though she's the older one." He groaned and earned a sympathetic smile from Logan. The teen didn't expect the next offer the kind male made though. "You can come to the police station with me if you want. Chantal and I aren't that busy, anyway."

"Why are doing all of this?" Logan asked all out of a sudden, confused at the stranger's generosity. An amused expression graced the rather handsome male's face. "I don't understand—"

"We — as citizens of Halo City — have to stick together in times such as these where Aeva is on the loose. I can't possibly leave you somewhere, that would be irresponsible of me," he explained, his smile turning into an angry scowl. He rubbed his temples with annoyance clearly evident in his brown eyes. "She's caused so much chaos around here... I wish someday, I could stop her. Luckily, Myth and Syren are here to stop her attacks."

Logan almost spit out his orange juice in surprise. He knew that there was a Myth before him and he also was aware that Syren was once a popular hero, but it still shocked him to hear someone specifically say it. "You never told me your name, sir. Or would you prefer me calling you that the whole time?" Logan asked as he quickly regained his composure, a playful grin appearing on his lips. His comment evoked a little chuckle from the stranger.

"I'm Evan, Evan (L/n)."

Logan felt like fainting after this introduction and surely, he did.

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