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"All this time, I thought you couldn't protect yourself..."

Degree didn't dare to speak his real name while she wordlessly stared down at her dying brother. Heavy sobs left her lips as she pulled his head into her lap. Myth felt out of place, stepping back as to give the two twins a little bit alone-time.

"I-If I had known..." Tears finally started to trickle down Degree's cheeks. Her shaky hands gripped his face, trying to hold onto her dying brother desperately. A quivering and pained breath escaping his throat, his lips curved into a melancholic smile.

"You couldn't have known," Shadow whispered softly, trying to relieve Degree of her guilt. The girl's sobs turned heavier at his words since ironically, his words only worsened the aching in her trembling heart. Her thumbs carefully lifted his mask off his eyes, revealing a face that was so similar to hers. Bright purple eyes conveying both peace and despair gazed up into her own. "I forgive you, Mary. I could never be mad at you."

"Marcus... why?"

"Because... I needed to protect my little sister. Dad never looked out for us, so I had to at least make sure you'd live to see another day with what you're doing..."

"That is why you joined Syren? How do you even know her?"

"When you were gone all day and all night, she oftentimes was over to do some business with Dad. She realised we inherited his powers... and..."

"It's alright, Marcus." Degree shushed him with her index finger, helplessly watching as the life fled from his eyes. "But why didn't you tell me? Why did you keep it all to yourself?"

Marcus smiled weakly before his eyes rose to look up at the starry night sky. "Because you deserved to live a life with as little worries as I could guarantee... you're my little sister, after all."

"Thank you, Marcus... for everything..."

"Like I said back then: Protecting you is harder than protecting all of Halo City, Mary." Shadow chuckled before all life left his eyes and all that remained was a lifeless husk. Degree's screams echoed through the empty port as she held the body of her dead brother in her arms.

"Marcus," she sobbed and buried her face in his limp shoulder, "I'm sorry! Forgive me!"

"Mary, I'm so sorry that this happened..." Myth watched his teammate — who was now a wreck of her former self — with pitiful eyes. After minutes of sad silence, she gazed up at Myth with dull eyes. Normally, her bright purple eyes shone with such vigour and determination that one could be burned by the sheer intensity of them. But now? All that was left in her hues were ashes; her flames had been too bright and she thus had burned down the things most precious to her.

"This is all my fault..." She sighed with a frail voice, vigorously wiping her wet cheeks. Myth didn't want to pressure her, but he knew that they needed to move on now. Shadow was defeated and Feline was also temporarily taken care of. It was time to move over to (Y/n) and you before Logan could harm either of you.

"I know what you're thinking..." Degree laughed with emotionless eyes. "I'm pitiful, aren't I?"

"No, that's not it!" Myth exclaimed in sudden confusion, wildly waving his arms around. Her words couldn't be farther from the truth. "It's just that we need to find the two (Y/n)s... before Logan — my past self — finds them."

After moments of contemplation, Degree lowered her head. "Go on without me... give me a few minutes to say goodbye to my brother. I'll catch up to you, Logan."

"Alright, then I'll be going." Myth started to sprint towards where he had last heard you. His wings were just visual accessories now due to Syren sucking out all of their powers — even her own and those of her allies; it was all or nothing and she knew what she needed to do — no matter the cost.

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