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"Logan? Mary?" You knocked onto the wooden door multiple times, waiting for your two classmates to open the entrance to the living room. Marcus yawned softly and glanced at you sideways. Minutes passed, making him scratch his head in wonder as to why there was no other sound coming from the other side. You groaned. "Guys? Can we come in?"

Suddenly, you heard a crash from above, followed by groans of pain. Metal collided with the carpeted ground, creating a rather loud crash. Startled, your head whipped towards Marcus; you shot him a worried look.

"Don't worry, Mary always does weird things..." He shrugged it off. Only for a second, one could catch a look of distress and worry crossing his bright purple eyes.

"Define weird." A curious flash appeared in your (E/c) eyes, causing Marcus to laugh nervously.

"Well... I mean she's oftentimes doing some pretty dangerous things and I patch her up when she comes home late," he mumbled under his breath inaudibly, making you a little suspicious. "I've tried to talk to Father about this, but he's been really busy as of late... no wait, he has always been too busy for his children."

Marcus had sparked your curiosity and now, questions littered your head. His change in demeanour hadn't gone unnoticed by your analytical eyes. The boy that always seemed so carefree was worrying about his sister dearly. But before you could ask for more answers, the door was ripped open by the person you had just been talking about.

"Welcome! What are you doing here?" Mary asked with a nervous laugh, her chest rising and falling in a quick pace while her blonde hair was slightly dishevelled. You shot her a weird look, about to ask her if she was alright. "Well, we still have much to do! So please, I'd really be happy if you'd go—"

"(Y/n)! Come in," Logan piped up from behind the girl, causing another distressed hiss to escape her red lips. Marcus eyed his sister weirdly before he simply walked past her and entered the spacious living room with you in tow. "Actually, we were wondering how you guys were doing on your project."

"Fairly good," Marcus muttered whilst throwing himself onto the large couch in the middle of the room. "I think we're almost done, aren't we, (Y/n)?"

"Yes—" You were interrupted when you suddenly felt a soft warmth from your necklace. Gazing over to Logan, you found him looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to finish your sentence. Something was not right, you didn't know what though. It was only when you turned around to find a tower of heavy books falling down onto your tense body that you knew what exactly wasn't right. Closing your eyes, you waited for the impact, but it never came.

After a few seconds passed and nothing happened, you opened your eyes to find the numerous books still in mid-air. Gravity seemed to be broken; you realised what was happening again. The correlation between your necklace, danger and your powers probably wasn't just a figment of your imagination.

Instinctively, you ducked to the side. Feeling your heart thumping loudly, you could only catch your breath when gravity had found a way to work again and the books fell onto the luscious carpet with a thundering sound. Your eyes were wide in shock.

"Oh— I'm terribly sorry, (Y/n)!" Mary shouted as a worried frown appeared on her pretty face. Holding a hand out to you, she sent you a disappointed smile which creeped you out a little bit. "I didn't intend to hurt you, of course! I guess next time, I should carry less books..."

"Mary, be more careful next time," Logan scolded the blonde. His eyes held worry and surprise. How could you have moved so quickly to avoid being hit by those books? Oh, his favourite character was full of wonders and mysteries; he couldn't wait to rediscover them all.

"Have you always been this clumsy?" Marcus chuckled as he looked at his sister teasingly. His twin only stuck her tongue out at him in protest.

Taking a deep breath, you sat down on the couch as well. Logan's calm voice made you feel a little bit more comfortable with what had just happened. Soon, seconds passed and those seconds turned into minutes, which turned into hours; time flew by with the four of you chatting — including Mary, more or less.

Looking out of the large windows, you found the sun to be already setting; another day was coming to an end. Sighing softly, you gazed at the three other occupants of the room.

"I guess I'll be going home now. It's getting dark really quick since it's autumn," you explained apologetically as you shot your friends a smile. Much to your amusement, Marcus had already managed to fall asleep. You guessed that being tied up to a chair must have made him really tired. "It was nice to be here, Mary," you told the blonde girl with a forced smile. She barely nodded before going back to her conversation with Logan.

With soft footsteps, you excused yourself from the living room. Yawning quietly to yourself, you shut the wooden door behind you carefully. The hallway was illuminated by a bright, blinding light once you flicked the light switch up — only to reveal a mysterious man in a suit standing atop the staircase. Jumping slightly once your eyes landed on his form, you shot him a little smile before you went to the wardrobe to get your warm jacket.

"Going so soon?" he inquired with a silky voice, making you halt in your movements. Turning around to face him, you found him already standing right behind you with a polite smile on his face. "I thought you'd stay longer, (Y/n)."

"Uh, it's already getting dark outside." Nervously, you fiddled with the zipper of your jacket. "Now, if you'll excuse me, Mr.—"

"Oh, how impolite of me to not introduce myself to such a fair lady like yourself." He chuckled as he stepped a little closer, his purple eyes turning more dangerous and cunning with each second. "I'm Marcus and Mary's father, Jacob Ardor. Nice to make your acquaintance, (Y/n)."

"U-Uh, likewise, Mr. Ardor." You smiled forcefully while you shook his outstretched hand. His hand was cold and pale like freshly fallen snow on a winter day. At a loss for words, you simply continued to offer him one of your little smiles.

"Always so polite," Mr. Ardor hummed, a hint of amusement flashing across his eyes, "just like your mother, dear. You have her eyes... that beautiful shade of (E/c)."

"You knew my mother?" Your voice cracked a little bit, your suspicions rising. But curiosity got the better of you, making you hold his hard gaze. "How?"

"I knew her very well," he retorted, a longing smile appearing on his lips. His vague answer only made more questions appear in your head. Sighing softly, his eyes lowered to the height of your necklace dangling from your neck.

"That's Mora's old necklace... just as pretty as back then." Carefully, he grasped the hourglass pendant with his slender fingers, eyeing it almost like it was awakening an old memory from the past. A little sigh escaped his lips once his eyes met yours again. "You know, I made it for her, after all..."

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