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"(Y/n)! Now, you're someone I didn't miss," Mary — the typical popular girl — shouted as soon as you entered the already crowded classroom. She wore a giant grin on her face, her perfect eyebrows raised. A heinous glint was clearly visible in her purple eyes. You simply ignored her and walked straight to your seat, trying to avoid any attention. At your unresponsiveness, a scoff escaped her lips. "No answer? I thought it was rude to—"

"Could you please shut it, Mary? It's the first day of school and you're already starting to get annoying..." Marcus — her older twin — mumbled as he flicked her forehead slightly. She cried out loudly before she turned back to her other popular friends, leaving you in peace. With a relieved smile appearing on your lips, you noted to thank Marcus later on.

"Did you shrink or am I missing something?" an amused voice asked, making you turn your head to the left. Anne was sitting at the desk right next to you, her legs crossed and a teasing grin adorning her face. You laughed before standing up and pulling her into a tight hug. Your best friend was already back to her sarcastic self.

"You're the same funny Anne I remember." You giggled as you let go of her and scooted over with your chair, so you could quietly communicate with each other. "I guess you haven't changed all that much! But well, Logan has changed quite a bit..."

"(Y/n), people never change at heart," she huffed and playfully flicked your necklace. You could feel her sharp finger nails slightly scratching your sensitive skin. "You could change your appearance thousands of times and I'd still be able to tell who my bestie (Y/n) is!"

"Should I take that as a compliment?"

"Sure," she replied with a wink of her eye, clicking her tongue playfully. You stifled your laughter before scooting back to your desk. Mr. Klaus had already arrived, his relaxed eyes soon turning once he got a glimpse of the wild bunch of teenagers he hadn't missed at all.

"Hey, (Y/n)... is that your book?" Logan asked from behind you, causing you to turn your head around. Your favourite book was dangling from his hand, almost giving you a heart attack as soon as you laid eyes upon him. You nodded, giving him a glare to make him put down the book. It seemed like he hadn't caught your message when he carelessly let the book slam onto the wooden desk. "Books are boring, aren't they, (Y/n)?"

"What are you talking about, you idiot?" you hissed in fury as you snatched the book from his neat desk. Turning back to the front, you gently pushed the gilded book into your bag. The whole situation made you bubble in anger; you just hoped that this time the player wouldn't be such an asshole like last time. Was last time really that bad? You couldn't remember.

Tip: Remember to always save your game!

Logan looked at the fuming female seated in front of him, a stunned look in his regretful eyes as he could do nothing but watch as relationship points were taken away from him.

He clenched his hands to fists, self-hatred bubbling up inside of him. Clearly, he had chosen the wrong answer. He was busy scolding himself — that was until his eyes lit up in realisation.

Wait, did he save before he lost the points?

With a bewildered look in his hues, he frantically opened the main menu with shaky and sweaty fingers. Gaze locking onto the last save file, a relieved sigh escaped his trembling lips. Clicking on it, he hoped that his plan would work.

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"You like to read books as well, (Y/n)?" Logan asked as he held up the (F/c) book in front of him carefully, an excited smile on his face. Your ears perked up cutely once you heard your name being called. In Logan's opinion, something about the name (Y/n) was so pretty — he could say your name all day long. "What a coincidence, that's my favourite book, actually!"

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