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Jieun took a deep breath before getting out of the car.

The last time she had a doctors appointment there hadn't exactly been good news, so hopefully it would be different this time.

Mark took her hand in his and held it gently. Mrs. Lee was in front of them as they walked inside.

Mark leaned in and whispered, "It's going to be okay." He could feel the slight twinge of anxiety in the bond. Jieun only squeezed his hand and nodded.

She went up to the receptionist. "Uhm, I have an appointment with Dr. Kim." She said softly.

The young lady looked up and smiled at her, " I'm sorry sweetheart, there are a lot of Dr.Kims in this hospital. Do you know the first name of this doctor?" She asked quietly.

"Uh...Taehyung." Jieun said after thinking about it.

"Ah, Dr. Kim Taehyung! Ms. Song Jieun? You're here for a soulmate mark check up, correct?" The lady asked. Jieun nodded.

"Yep, you're right on time. Dr.Kim's office is the first door to the right." She said with a smile. Jieun calmed down a little and showed her a small smile as well.

No one said anything as they knocked on the door. "Come in." A deep voice said on the other side.

"Hi Dr. Kim." Jieun said in a small voice.

"Jieun! How are you- oh? Who's this?" He asked curiously as he looked beside her.

"Oh my, he's quite handsome." Mrs. Lee whispered to Jieun.

She wasn't wrong.

Often when Jieun came for her appointments there would be many many nurses standing outside of Dr.Kim's door while giggling and whispering.

"This is Mark, he's one of my soulmates and Mrs. Lee is-"

"Her future mother-in-law." Mrs. Lee said confidently as she interrupted Jieun. Jieun blushed a little but smiled regardless.

"I see." Dr.Kim said. He smiled at Mrs.Lee, but when his eyes moved over to Mark, he looked anything but friendly.

"So you're one of the soulmates who's been causing Jieun all this trouble." He said darkly. Mark gulped and nodded.

"Do you have any idea how much-"

"I'm bonded to him." Jieun said quickly before Dr. Kim could get mad.

He looked at her in surprise, "You did?!" He asked. His eyes were wide in disbelief.

Jieun nodded. Dr. Kim looked at her before looking at Mark. "Will you ever leave her?" He asked.

"Never." Mark replied immediately, not hesitating at all. He didn't break eye contact with Dr.Kim.

Jieun smiled, and so did Dr.Kim. "Alright then, why don't you all take a seat. Let's check out your soulmate mark Jieun."

Jieun nodded and took a seat. While Mark and Mrs.Lee took a seat a little farther away.

She lifted her sleeve so that Dr.Kim could check the mark. Mark's eyes sparkled as he saw the mark for the second time.

"Well, this is.....interesting." Dr.Kim said as he came closer to the see the mark.

"What is?" Jieun asked, slightly confused.

"Have you only bonded to him or did you bond with another soulmate as well?" Dr. Kim asked.

"I've bonded to two of them." Jieun said.

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