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"Jieunieeee!!!!" Chenle shouted as he entered the cafe. Jisung smacked his best friend in the head and scolded him for being so loud.

The few people in the cafe looked towards the boys who were currently entering the cafe, and then looked towards the shy waitress behind the counter.

Jieun's face tinted pink from all the attention that she was getting. But a surprised expression took over her face when she saw the other boys behind them.

Originally Chenle and Jisung were planning on going alone, just the two of them. But the others said that they didn't have anything to do today.

So, taking this as an opportunity to bridge the gap in their relationship, Mark suggested that they all go.

"Oh great." Haechan muttered under his breath. Jisung looked at him but didn't say anything.

Renjun elbowed Haechan. "Come on man, try not to be an asshole to her, she didn't do anything to you."

"Tsk." Haechan looked away, "She ruined our friendship." He said lowly before following the two youngest, who were sitting at the table and waiting for the others.

"That wasn't her, it was us." Jaemin said in a soft voice. The others heard him but said nothing.

Jieun came up and took out her little notepad. "What can I get for you today?" She asked, a small smile present on her face.

Chenle leaned towards her, he was sitting on one of the chairs that was closest to her. "Your number." He said as he shot finger guns at her.

There was a pause before anyone said anything. Jisung slapped his forehead. While the older boys simply looked elsewhere, as if acting like they didn't know Chenle.

Jieun tried her best not to cringe. She shook her head and bit her lip to stop her from smiling but it came out anyway.

"You already have it." She said to him softly.

Jisung whipped his head at this. "You have her number!" Chenle shrugged before nodding his head. Jisung looked at him incredulously.

As the two began to bicker, Jisung mad at Chenle because he didn't give him Jieun's number, Mark turned to Jieun.

"We'll have 7 americanos, and make one with 8-"

"8 shots of espresso, would you like to get any chocolate muffins this time?" She asks while writing everything down. Meanwhile the boys look at her shocked.

She remembered what they ordered the last time they were here.

"Uhhh," Mark dragged out, not knowing what to say. "Sure!" Chenle said before anyone else could say anything.

Jieun nodded, "I'll just be a few minutes." She said before turning around and walking towards the counter.

"She remembered." Mark whispered. Haechan didn't say anything and just looked out the window. Jeno and Jaemin looked at each other but Jeno broke off and looked at the table.

Renjun looked down at his hands. But the two youngest boys had smiled on their faces. She was giving them a chance, and they had to take it.

Just as Jieun was about to come to them with their order a boy around their age opened the door and came into the cafe.

"Yo yo yo, where's my main hoe???!!!"

He shouted, looking around the cafe. The boys stared at him in surprise.

Haechan snickered, "Man I feel bad for whoever he's talking too-" But he's smirk fell when he saw what happened next.

Jieun came up from behind the boy, smacking the back of his head with one hand while she held their order with the other.

"Oww!! Jieunnie!!" They boy whined, rubbing the back of his head. Jieun rolled her eyes, she didn't even hit him that hard.

Jieun came to their table and laid down the tray, "I'm so sorry about him." She apologized.

"Do you know him?" Jisung asked curiously. But the boys saw an emotion that they almost didn't recognize on the young boy.


"Oh yeah, he's a friend." She said. Jisung merely nodded. The boys watched as Jieun left.

"So she has a friend, who's a boy." Jeno said, looking at the boy. He hadn't said anything since they entered the cafe.

Chenle narrowed his eyes at his hyung before looking away. "She can be friends with whoever she wants."

But deep inside Chenle couldn't help but feel a little envious. He wanted to be like that around Jieun. Joke around comfortably, just be with her.

Jisung was thinking more on the side of him not liking that she was friends with a guy. Part of him wondered if she had feelings for the other guy.

Jeno and Haechan shared a look with each other before they both looked away. Jaemin and Renjun both saw it and narrowed their eyes.

Mark was more curious than anything else. He had seen the boy somewhere else before, but where?

Meanwhile Jieun and the boy were talking.

"How you managed to get a job at the orphanage, where you have to take care of kids, is beyond me." Jieun said as she shook her head.

The boy smirked, "Aww come on Jieun. You know how much kids love me." He said leaning closer to Jieun, who was behind the counter.

He was watching the reaction of the boys, who were seated close by, out of the corner of his eye.

He smiled as he got the reaction that he wanted. The boys at the table narrowed their eyes.

"Hey are those assholes over there those soulmates you were telling me about?" He asked as he turned around to look at the boys.

They made eye contact. He simply smirked at them.

One of the boys flipped the middle finger at him before getting slapped by a guy that was sitting across from him.

The boy snorted.

"Liu Yangyang! They are not assholes!" Jieun scolded him.

The boy scoffed, "Jieun, their dating someone else while knowing that their soulmate is half bonded to them. I think I can call them assholes."

Jieun narrowed her eyes, "They're just following their heart-"

"Yeah yeah. Jieun when will you stop being so naive. Can't you just be selfish for once and want something for yourself." The boy said looking at the girl sadly.

Jieun simply showed him the same sad smile that she showed everyone.

But he was one of the few people who knew how just much sadness she hid behind them.

YANGYANG!!! i am so so so so sorry that i took long to upload, i will update in the very very near future 😉

please make sure to be safe and healthy!!!

also our MARKY!!!!

-Mark Lee

~sunnyhyuck 💚

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