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Jieun sighed as she put out the last dirty mattress. They had brought them outside so that they could wack out the dust.

The Lees were a very nice couple. Apparently their son was about her age, he lived with his friends.

Jieun put the mattress up and picked up the wooden stick before swinging it at the mattress. Huh? This is a nice way to get rid of stress, she thought as she continued to hit it.

"Jieun, sweetheart? Come inside and have a snack." Mrs. Lee shouted from inside.

"Coming Mrs. Lee!" She shouted back.

To be honest, Jieun was glad that she skipped today and called in sick. The Lees were super nice and they treated her like their daughter even though they only met each other a couple of hours ago.

She also had to cancel her meeting with Chenle and Jisung, which she felt horrible about. She could literally sense their sadness through the phone, but she assured them that tomorrow they could stay at the cafe all they wanted.

As Jieun stepped inside the house the nice smell of cookies invaded her nose. In the kitchen Mr. Lee was seated at the table reading this morning's newspaper, while Mrs. Lee was putting the cookies out on to a plate.

"Do you want some coffee?" Jieun asks as she goes towards the coffee maker, "I get a lot of praise for it."

Mr.Lee looked at his wife, who looked at him before smiling, and then looked back at Jieun and smiled. "Sure, why not? I could go for some coffee right now."

Jieun nodded her head and started to make coffee, it was probably her best talent.

She never really liked it before she started working at the cafe, but after making so many of them the smell of coffee just soothed her.

She placed the cups of coffee on the table and picked up one of Mrs. Lee's cookies.

They were delicious.

They kind of tasted like her grandma's cookies. The ones that Jieun had grown up eating. During their little break the three of them began to talk about themselves.

Their son shared a soulmate with six other boys, who happened to be his best friends. Jieun simply smiled and listened, but couldn't help but feel like she had heard this before.

Sure, she had 7 soulmates but she was sure that she couldn't be the only one. Maybe it was just a coincidence?

Jieun explained that she worked in a cafe, which is why her coffee was so good, the Lee's were a little surprised that she was working. But she had to be able to pay her rent.

It was late now. They had been working all day cleaning the house and the sun was beginning to set. Truthfully, Jieun was exhausted. She had been awake since 3:00 this morning.

After they were done with their coffee break, Mrs.Lee started to clean the dishes. Jieun put up a fight, there was no way that she was going to let the lady wash the dishes while she was here.

Unfortunately for her, Mrs.Lee doesn't take no for an answer.

She told her to go and explore the house a little. So that's exactly what Jieun did.

Jieun walked to the living room, which had many pictures on the wall. She stopped at one which showed the whole family on what looked like a trip to Jeju. She squinted her eyes at the little boy in the picture.

"He looks very very familiar." She mumbled to herself as she tried to remember who he looked like. He had the same eye smile as Mrs.Lee and seemed to share the same smile as Mr.Lee.

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