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Jieun and Mark walked side by side, Mark still slightly embarrassed by what happened earlier.

They approached the convenience store, which was snuggled between two apartment buildings.

The cashier at the counter did a small bow, while holding his phone in his hand. Jieun immediately went to the drink section and started to grab a lot of coffee.

Mark frowned, "I don't think it's such a good idea for you to be drinking that much coffee." He said, slightly concerned.

Jieun smiled at shook her head, "Oh you have no idea how much I need this." She said as she showed him the bottle of coffee.

Mark sighed, but nodded anyway, seeing that the girl wouldn't listen to him. It seemed as if she had an addiction to coffee that was similar to Jaemin's.

She got some ramen and snacks before making her way towards the cashier.

Mark looked at her in disappointment. "You don't live a healthy live style, do you?"

Jieun looked at him with a blank face, "I wonder why that is?" She said to him sarcastically.

His eyes widened, this was the first time that Jieun had done.....that! To be honest, it was kind of refreshing. Mark suppressed a smile as they walked towards the counter.

Just after Jieun payed for her stuff, Mark remembered something, "Hey, I just remembered that I need to get something, do you mind waiting for me?" He asked.

Jieun nodded, "Yeah, I'll just wait outside."

Mark nodded and went back in, while Jieun stood outside and waited for him. All a sudden a man came up to her.

Jieun took a deep breath as he approached her. "Why hello there pretty little lady. What are you doing out here all by yourself? Why don't you come to my place, it's safer there." He asked as he came closer.

Safer my ass.

The smell of smoke came off of him in waves, signalling that he had been smoking. Are you serious! Why do these things always happen to me?! Jieun thought to herself as she inched away from the man.

She couldn't smell any alcohol, which meant that he wasn't drunk. But that only made things worse.

It was 100 times scarier when they were sober, because they knew exactly what they were doing and did it anyway.

Just as the man was about to reach out and grab her, a hand grabbed his. Jieun turned around and was surprised to see Mark, who did not look happy at all.

He twisted the man's hand in a painful way, making the man let out a hoarse scream. "I suggest that you walk away right now, unless you want me to get mad." He said.

Jieun's eyes widened, she had never ever heard Mark use that voice with anyone! Between you and her, she never even knew he had that type of voice.

The man scrambled to get up and ran away.

"Asshole." He said, not too quietly. "Thank you." Jieun told him softly. Mark looked and her, and his eye softened when he saw her hands shaking.

He wrapped his hand around one of hers. "It's fine, we should get you home before it gets too late."

Jieun nodded and without saying another word, the two of them walked hand in hand.


"Is that Bongsik?!" Mark exclaimed as he narrowed his eyes. Jieun sighed, the cat had done it again.

"Bongsik." She groaned as she crouched down, causing her to let go of Mark's hand.

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