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"I can't believe you lost Aera!"

"Me?! You're the one who wanted to get ice cream!"

"I told you we should've just gone home."

"Yeah, cause you weren't the one who was walking the fastest towards the store."

"What kind of idiots lose a little girl?!"

"Jieun's gonna kill us."

"We're so dead."

How did this happen you ask? Well it all started the day that the boy's left Jieun and Jaemin alone.


"You know, you sure are strange." Jaemin said as he leaned against the door frame of the kitchen.

Jieun looked at him with a smile and tilted her head slightly, "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Why'd you wait?" He asked, causing the girl to stop what she was doing.

Jieun turned to face him, Jaemin straightened and walked towards her before stopping.

"Why'd you wait for us?" He asked. The boy genuinely wanted to know what made the girl see the good side of all of them, even when they acted like jerks.

Jieun's face softened, she knew the question would come up sooner or later. Honestly, it already had, just in different ways.

"Hmmm, I don't know. Why did I wait for you?" She asked him in a playful way. "Maybe because I care about you guys?" She said with a smile.

"But you didn't even know us?" He said, a frown making his way into his face even though her playful nature made him feel happy.

Jieun shook her head, "You don't need to know someone to care about them Jaem." She said, his nickname had slipped out and she hadn't even noticed.

Jaemin's face softened at the sound of his nickname, a smile threatening to bloom on his face.

"I care about the old lady that opens her flower shop way to early in the morning, I care about the little kid and his mom who live in the apartment next to me. I even care about that grumpy old man who-" Jieun was cut off when Jaemin came even closer towards her.

"You're way too nice." He said softly, a small smile on his face. Jieun pouted, "I can be mean." She whispered.

Jaemin chuckled, "Sure you can angel." He whispered back before placing a kiss on her forehead.

"Now, what was the real reason you waited for us?" He asked again.

Jieun groaned, "That was the real reason! I cared about you guys whether you were my soulmates or not." She said with a sigh.

She moved past him and towards the kitchen door but stopped, making the pink haired boy confused.

She turned around and showed him a cheeky smile. "I guess the fact that you were all hot played a part in it too." She said before running away.

Jaemin stared at the door in shock before snapping out of it and chasing after her.

Their afternoon was filled with a lot of tickling, teasing, pranking and laughs.


"You're cute."

After a few hours of nonstop laughing they finally became tired and took a break. Jaemin has his arms around Jieun, while she was snuggled up against him.

Their legs were tangled together and they were just laying down in bed together. Both of them letting the quietness engulf their cozy little bubble.

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