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"So your our soulmate."

Jieun felt as if the entire world had stopped.

She looked at the boy in shock, she couldn't believe it! This was like a dream, well it would have been a dream come true if it was all of her soulmates, but she was grateful even if it was just one.

Jieun didn't know how to answer him and just looked at him like he had three heads.

But honestly speaking, Chenle had no idea if he was right or not. He assumed that she was their soulmate! There was just one way to find out. Chenle leaned in even closer, Jieun leaned back just a tiny bit, before he whispered

"So am I right or not?"

Huh? Wait a minute. What?

"Uhhhh, huh?"

"So yes? For the record I broke up with her, so what time does your shift end?"

Ok that's it.

" I'm sorry, what are you talking about."

"Oh come on, I know for a fact that your our soulmate."

"Really? Did you just figure that out now or did you know five months ago too?" Jieun quickly shut her mouth.

Chenle's expression quickly shifted, there was pain written all over his face. Jieun felt guilt engulf her. She hadn't meant to sound so mad. But part of her couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry." He said

She looked up slowly. Meeting his eyes, she saw a lot of hurt.

" I really am, I can't speak for the others, but I know that they'll come around. But," there was a pause before he started to talk again, " please give me a chance, give us a chance." He asked.

Jieun could tell that he was being sincere. She lowered her head and started to clean the counter again, even though it was already clean enough. Chenle sighed and looked away, of course she would feel this way, what were they thinking? Their soulmate would already be with someone else? Yeah well she wasn't, she was here watching them sitting and waiting for a girlfriend that probably dated them for money.


Chenle whipped his head so fast that anyone watching thought that he got whiplash (lol, i know you guys know). The girl was still looking down at the counter, but she slowly lifted her head to meet his eyes. Her bangs were covering them a bit, but Chenle could still see the beautiful dark brown color.

"I'll give it a chance." She said. A tiny smile, one so small that you couldn't see it from far away, appeared on her face. He felt as if he could kiss her right then, but he knew that if he wanted to make this work then he was going to have to make up the past five months.

"Although, I think that you should go and talk to the other boys, they seem very confused." The girl said. Sure enough the others looked beyond confused.

Chenle looked over at her one last time, but she just shook her head.

"It's fine, I have a late shift today anyway." She said in a soft voice.

"I'll come tomorrow then." He said with a determined voice.

At first she seemed a little shocked but she quickly got over it, a smile taking place on her face once again. Only this time, a bit bigger.

"Sure, oh and I don't think you broke up with your girlfriend." She said, one eyebrow slightly raised in question.

Chenle sheepishly smiled before nodding, "I'll tell her."

And with that, Chenle left her alone and went back to the guys.


"You wanna to tell us what that was all about?" Renjun asked the young boy when he came back. You could clearly see that he wasn't happy, and he wasn't the only one.

All of the boys didn't look happy, expect Jisung. He just wanted to know why his best friend was acting so strangely.

"What the heck man! You have a girlfriend, we have a girlfriend. How could you do that!" Haechan said, his voice got loud gradually.

Mark, who seemed more confused and hurt, calmed Haechan down.

"What's all this about, what's going on?" Mark asked, he just couldn't figure out what was making his friend act this way.

"I found our soulmate."


The quiet Jisung, who hadn't said a word this entire time, had finally spoken.

"What do you mean you found our soulmate?" He asked. He looked as if it was the most ridiculous thing he ever heard.

"Guys," Chenle started. He paused a little, before Jaemin nodded, " I don't think that I'm in love with Soojin anymore."

Haechan looked out the window in frustration, while Mark and Renjun looked down at the table. Jaemin and Jeno shared a look, but Jisung simply started at Chenle. As if he was conflicted.

" I'm breaking up with her."

"You can't be serious."
"All of a sudden?"
"Did you ever even love her?"

Jeno, although his comment was quiet was the one that hurt the most. Chenle looked at him with pain in his eyes. But Jeno simply turned away, refusing to meet his eyes.

But before he could argue with him, Jisung asked a question that was on everyone's mind.

"Who is she?"

Chenle looked confused for a second. All of the others turned to look at Jisung.

"Who is wh-"

"Our soulmate, who is she?"

He looked right into Chenle's eyes. Unknown to his best friend or any of the older boys, Jisung had been starting to fall out of love with Soojin as well. In fact, he had wanted to give up a while ago. But he stayed because of the love that his hyungs had for her, he thought that if he stayed long enough he might fall back in love.

It never happened. 

Jisung knew that he once he saw their soulmate, he would know wether or not he would stay with Soojin or go with them.

Chenle hesitated, he wasn't sure how they would take it. After seeing the confident look on Jisung's face, he knew he has to tell them.

"The waitress."





Jisung got up and left the cafe, following him was Chenle. Meanwhile the other boys sat there.

What had just happened?

OHHHhhh, sorry i keep writing smaller and smaller chapters. i promise that the next one will be longer. i so happy that we finally got out of the cafe, i swear we were in there for way to long. hope u all are safe and doing well!!!❤️❤️❤️


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