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Enjoy, lovelies!


Christian looked at me expectantly

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Christian looked at me expectantly. I did one desperate search for words that would make the most sense.

"I guess I'm still sort of getting used to staying in a place that big. While I'm certain this apartment will undergo demolition in the next ten years from failure to meet city codes, I like the smaller evinorment. Being in a closer, more intimate setting with you. One where I don't have to literally yell down the corridor, for my voice to reach you." I did my best to explain.

Christian just listened. He was getting better and better at doing that these days. When I finally let out a shaky sigh, he gave me a nod.

"I'm sorry for that. I haven't been the most fair with taking into account how my lifestyle has affected yours. You've been great, Alex, seriously. You've handled all of this so well, of course I wouldn't mind finding middle ground." Christian offered me a smile.

One that forced myself to set the mug down from fear of dropping it.

"I'll spend every available second in this apartment if that'll make you even the slightest bit happier." He finished. A heart attack was very narrowly averted here, as I looked at anything but him.

"That won't be necessary." I mumbled that more to myself. "Maybe we could try and split up the time?" I offered.

"I'd like that." Christian replied. "What else?"

I sort of stared at him blankly, before realizing he was asking me to bring up something else that made me uncomfortable. Without really thinking about it, I practically blurted out "This wedding."

Christians easy smile was quick to fade away. Instead, he looked apologetic. I told myself I should've just kept it to myself, but Christian was right, it would do no one good if I wasn't more honest with how I was feeling.

"I know, I'm- I'm truly sorry about that, Alex. I promise, it's just a few more weeks of chaos then we can put this mess behind us." He reached forward, pulling me closer so he could rest his hands on my thighs. Now it was absolutely impossible to look anywhere but at him.

"I know, I just- does she have to be that fucking pretty?" That last part sounded like I was whining, which I guess I was.

"I only have, and will ever have eyes for you. She sure will make some gal lucky though." He nodded more to himself. I almost nodded in agreeance, but caught myself quickly.

"Gal?" I asked him.

Christian's eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, gal. I told you she was gay right?"

Now I was really fucking lost. "No Christian, you didn't once mention to me that the woman was gay."

I watched as this man gave himself a moment to recall the conversation we had had earlier this week. It took him a moment before he eventually let out a sigh. "Fuck, you're right. I was distracted by how good you looked in my office, that I failed to mention that. I think it was Brad that I remembered talking with about it. God, Alex, I'm such an idiot I'm sorry."

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