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I've been in a writing/editing mood as of late. Hopefully I can crank out a shit ton of work before tax season fires up.
Thank you so so much for reading!
P.S. I finally got the copyright lifted for my 17 Again reaction video. I'll link it in the usual places if you're interested!


The look I was giving Slav wasn't respectful

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The look I was giving Slav wasn't respectful. I was sure of it.

"You... you agreed to what?" Brad was the first to speak up, beating me to the punch with asking such a pressing question.

"Listen- as you can tell by the state I am in, I'm not taking this lightly. I know I fucked up, I assure you I'm well aware... but there's no way I plan on handing Christian's hand over regardless of the consequences. You all must know that. Would I like to find some sort of loophole in this contract where I wouldn't lose half my companies work to that insane man? Yes. Yes I would. I'm still working on figuring something out here." Slave explained.

He brought his upper body forward to the floor, collapsing his chest onto his stretched out legs. Slav was surprisingly flexible for both his age, and the way he complained about almost every part of his body. Mother must of had him join her for yoga during his stay.

I had to admit, I found Slav's words only somewhat comforting. While I didn't fully believe he'd sell me away like that, I also had to remember that he technically already did.

"I know you're pissed off. Justifiably so. Back then, I really truly did believe that you were well on your way to marrying Bernadette-"

"Bridget." Brad clarified.

"Bridge." I further clarified.

"Whatever." My father sighed. "However drunk I was, I promise you I didn't foresee this."

Giving myself a moment to think, I listened to the deep breathes of each of my family members as they stretched their core. If I was being honest, everyone was probably to blame here. Slav was the most to blame because he was the one who made this bullshit agreement in the first place, but my mother also shared some blame, for making him think that I was ever going to marry Bridge...

And I held the remainder of the blame for even choosing to entertain someone like Bridge in the first place. I hadn't done anything to assure these two that I was thinking of marrying her, but it wasn't like I was actively working to break things off with Bridge either.

She had been one of my longer relationships, after all.

I heard Slav release another low exhale, pushing himself back into an upright sitting position. My mother and Brad collapsed themselves in the same way, pushing out a relaxed breath identical to the one Slav had.

I just sat Crisscross applesauce, waiting for my father to continue. All this namaste bullshit wasn't going to distract me from my opportunity to get the most information out of Slav. Our last conversation left me with close to no direction on what to do next.

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