Ch 25 - The Training Sessions F/N and Koneko Begins

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Once everyone was in the cars that were prepared for the Gremory household, the cars took off heading to the Sitri household where the train would take them to the underworld. It took about ten minutes for the car ride. The cars pull up to the gates and the driver rolls down the window to speak announce the arrival of the Gremorys. The gates open up and the driver heads down the driveway that leads to a huge mansion. Once in front of the main doors of the building, the car comes to a stop and Grayfia opens the door. You get out first and offer your hand to Grayfia who takes as you help her out of the car. Once everyone was out of the cars and their luggage was on the ground, you hear someone coming down the stairs from the mansion. Everyone turns around and you see Sona Sitri coming down the stairs in a dress that is a shiny baby blue colors and looks to have a few gems sewn into the bottom of the dress where the frill is. It was the first time seeing her in something else besides the school uniform. You couldn't help but admit the fact that she did look beautiful in the dress but nobody could compare to your girlfriend. Grayfia just had that sense of grace and elegant aura that no one could compare to. You bow in front of Sona as she approaches the group.

"Pleasure to see you again on this special occasion." you say.

"Please stand (F/N). There is no need to bow to greet me. I am surprised to see that Grayfia's manners are being taught to her family. I just wish my peers would be so well mannered." Sona says.

Just as soon as Sona gets done talking, Tsubaki comes down the stairs.

"Now that everyone is here, please let me introduce you to the special escort that Sir Zechs has sent to watch over your safety. Kuroka you may comes out now." Sona says.

You see another woman that has the same cat like features that Koneko has, except her hair is a pitch black that you feel like you could get loss in the darkness. She has a total of two tails instead of one. She gives off an aura that emanates really strong and powerful. She is about almost an entire foot taller than Koneko. She approaches the group and bows.

"My master asked me to be your escort. While we are on the train, I would like to take Koneko to another car that has been set up to where I can start training her. There won't be any physical altercations. This is just starting with teaching her to be able to focus her power into an actual ball of energy. Of course you are more than welcomed to watch if Koneko wishes you to be there as Grayfia.". Kuroka says while still bowing.

"Alright. Let's start with the trip. I will watch while you train her. I'm afraid that she doesn't fully trust you yet. Of course if my brother trusts you I also do." Rias says nodding her head.

Sona raises her hand and snaps her fingers. You see a bunch of butlers come out and pick up everyone's luggage and start taking it to the train.

Everyone follows Sona as she heads to the train. Once everyone is at that train, you see the luggage has already been loaded on board. Rias has everyone get on the train. The train doors close and then the train starts moving slowly on it's way to the underworld. Once everything was on it's way, Kuroka turns towards Koneko.

"Please follow me to the next car over so we can start your training sister." Kuroka says.

Koneko follows her along with Rias, Grayfia and you to watch. Once you all where in the next car, Kuroka pulls out two folding chairs and sets them up facing each other.

"please sit down in one of these chairs sister. You guys may sit anywhere else that you choose. Koneko sits down as you, Rias and Grayfia sits down on a seat that is similar to a sofa. Kuroka sits down in the other chair in front of Koneko. Kuroka holds out her hands and you see a ball of energy appear in each of her hands.

"This is your goal to acheive before we reach the Gremory domain. You have a sixteen hour trip. This is the first part of your training. If you need help controlling it just let me know and I will. I know you hate me for the past, but I am here now and wish to try and be a role model for you and be someone that you can talk to. I'm not asking you to consider me as your sister anymore but I at least want to be friends." Kuroka says while looking to see what reaction Koneko will have.

"You will have to gain my trust. For now I will consider you family since you are Sir Zech's queen. I know that you want to try and fix things. I will give you a second chance but let me make one thing clear. Don't abandon me ever again and please protect the family with your life and be there for me if I need.

"I will always be here for you now on." Kuroka says.

Koneko sat still with just one hand out. She started to focus her thoughts on trying to create a ball of energy in her hand. It took a few minutes but she eventually manage to have a small ball form in her hand. It wasn't as big as the Kuroka had created but it was a start.

"I knew you could do it. Now focus on trying to make it bigger." Kuroka says.

You knew Koneko was starting to strain from the mental focus it took her to manifest the ball of energy. You could see her sweating which wasn't normal for Koneko to do. All of a sudden you saw start to slowly fall sideways. You don't know how you did it but all you thought about was catching her before she fell and the next thing you know is that you are right next to her catching her and your sacred gear is out.

"(F/N) how did you do that!?" Rias exclaims.

"Not sure. All I thought was about catching her before she fell." you say.

"It seems his sacred gear relies on his thoughts of about caring for others. The gear seems to react to powerful emotional thoughts of his when it comes to others" Grayfia says while looking at the sacred gear.

"It's doesn't seem to be a sacred gear regarding a dragon. The question is what is embodied inside the sacred gear." Rias says.

Just then you see a summoning circle appear that is a metallic blue color and a girl with long blonde hair appear in a white outfit. She has what appears to be a halo above her head.

"What seems to be the pleasure for the appearance Irina?" Rias says to the girl.

"I was sent here to explain something that is important and was sent by Chief Michael himself." Irina says.

"Very well. You have the floor." Rias says.

Irina walks over to you.

"Please raise your hand with the sacred gear up." Irina says.

You raise your hand up while having an eyebrow raised as in curiosity. Irina touches the gear sliding her hand over it inspecting the gear thoroughly.

"Just as we thought. This isn't a gear that has a dragon in it but a saint's soul is imbued in it." Irina says.

"Are you absolutely positive?" Rias asks.

"Quite positive. That gear actually has a piece of Excalibur in it. For a devil to possess such a thing is unheard of. You must be the one that will lead this time into a new era. I just hope that you can lead it into a good direction." Irina says.

Kuroka, Rias, and Koneko all stare at you not understanding how such a thing could happen.

"I will use this gear towards protecting the people that needs to be protected if that is what you are wanting to know." you say.

"Good. May I borrow him for a few days Rias?" Irina asks.

"Sure, but what do you need him for?" Rias asks.

"I was sent here to confirm the veracity of the situation and if it was true, I am supposed to train him personally on how to use the sacred gear." Irina says.

"Very well and good luck. By the way, Grayfia will be accompanying you since he is her boyfriend and member of her own household." Rias says.

Grayfia seemed fine over Rias controlling the situation.

"Very well. Grayfia please do the honors of bringing him up to the heavens. It is approved that you can enter the Chief Michael's office. I will meet you both there shortly. I have some business to attend to with Rias and her household directly. Please wait for me to return there." Irina says.

Grayfia nods and summons a summoning circle. She grabs your hand and drags you into the circle with her. All of a sudden the scenery of the train disaapears.

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