ch 16 - Doing things before returning home.

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You pick out the clothes for Grayfia to wear to bed as she chooses your's. You climb into the huge bed and Grayfia slides in cuddling up next to you. It was an interesting experience to learn what Grayfia had done for a career. You learned a lot of stuff about her and also learned how to properly cook meals which gave you the idea of helping Asia cook for the household. You drift off to sleep with thoughts on how to help earn your keep.

You wake up early next to Grayfia still asleep. Today was packing day to head back home. You figured you would try and wake Grayfia up with a kiss. You slowly kiss her lips when she all of sudden wakes up and pull you closer to her while kissing you back. The kiss starts making your head spin like it's intoxicating. She lets go of you and smiles at you.

"Are you ready to start getting things ready to head back today?" She asks.

"I am. I hope I did a decent job to make you proud." You say.

"You made me really proud. Oh by the way, you are suppose to meet SirZechs in his office. He has something for you for helping out." Grayfia says.

"I will get dressed then and go meet him so I can come back and help with packing." You say while sliding out of bed.

You quickly fine a respectable outfit and get dressed. Once dressed you leave the bedroom and head to SirZechs' office. It took you about ten minutes to get there from the place being so big. Once in front of his office, you knock on the door. After a couple of seconds, you hear SirZechs say "come in". You slowly enter and sit down in the chair in front of his desk that he waves at.

"Well (F/N), I have a surprise for you. Let me find it real quick." SirZechs says while reaching around in his desk.

SirZechs slowly pulls out an envelope and slides it across the table to you.

"What is this?" You ask picking the envelope up.

"This is payment for you helping me out on short notice and I put a little extra in there to help you get started in your new form of life." SirZechs says.

You open the envelope and couldn't believe what you saw. It was enough money to where you could buy a small house and a car.

"I appreciate the money. I will definitely make sure to put it to good use." You say.

"Just one thing to remember (F/N) before you go. Don't let greed get to you. Always remember there is a fine line between greed and luxury." SirZechs says.

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