ch 13 - Conversation

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You wake up in the middle of the night and find yourself in a huge bed with Grayfia cuddled up next to you. You can only remember being in the bath with Grayfia and then waking up in the bed next to her. You slowly slide out of bed as to not risk waking her up. You head to the bathroom to use it. Once you are done and wash your hands, you head down the stairs and get something to drink from the fridge. When you get to the kitchen, you notice the light is on and Rias is sitting there eating while looking over some paperwork. You go to leave when Rias turns around and tells you to come on in and relax. You grab some orange juice out of the fridge and sit down after pouring a glass.

"So how are things going with you?" Rias asks.

"It's complicated but trying my best to win Grayfia's heart. She seems like a tough one though." You say.

"Well my brother wasn't the best husband to her. I know he tried but he put his work before family and was pretty much making Grayfia feel neglected. She has been hurt and just wants to make sure that you won't end up hurting her too." Rias says.

"I can understand that. I just hope I don't mess up and end up pushing her away." You say.

"Well to be honest you are doing a good job of winning her heart. Just keep it up." Rias says.

"I'll try to. Well I think I better get back to bed or else she might worry if she wakes up and I'm not there." You say while getting up.

"Have a good night." Rias says going back to her paperwork.

"You too." You say.

You head back up to Grayfia's room and slowly slide back into bed. You thought Grayfia was still sleeping when all of a sudden she started talking.

"Where did you go?" Grayfia asks.

"I went downstairs to get something to drink and used the bathroom." You say.

" I thought you might of gotten scared and left for the night." Grayfia says.

"I'm nervous but if I am with you, I need to be good to you to win your heart. I will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens." You say.

"Well just relax and let's get back to sleep." Grayfia says cuddling back up next to you.

You wrap your arms around her and both of you manage to fall back asleep. Little did you know she only had underwear on under her nightgown which would of just made you more nervous.

Grayfia x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now