Ch 1 - The Beginning

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Grayfia was walking around scoping out the town that her sister-in-law resided in. She was temporarily living at the mansion and ignored Issei being a pervert staring at her chest all the time. She didn't mind it because at least someone paid her attention. She had a feeling all of a sudden that didn't sit well with her. She took up into the air to scout with a better view. She contacted Rias since she can't act without her permission. It didn't take long before Rias, Akeno and Asia showed up flying along side her. It was supposed to be an easy routine but Rias had dicovered a fallen angel within the school and they couldn't act without reasonable cause. They hated waiting but they had to go by code of conduct.


You are traveling back home really late from school because you were trying to catch up on homework that you had missed from being sick. You still weren't feeling the best but was good enough to get through the day at school. The school you go to used to be an all girls school. Not very many guys went there. You were transferred to the school from your old one due to being picked on and harassed all the time. Surprisingly no one at your new school picked on you plus all the girls were nice to you. You were just about two blocks away from home when you heard footsteps following you. You turn around and see a girl whose name was Yukari from what you could remember from the class roster.

"What do you want?" You asked.

All of a sudden the girl grew black wings and threw a yellow bolt of something at you as she yelled die. You fall to the ground and notice blood pouring out of where the bolt hit you. Your vision starts to blur but you could make out someone appearing out of nowhere and starting to throw orbs of different colors at the girl who attacked you. You hear the sounds of fighting stop and before you pass out, you the voice of a woman saying "stay with me" and then yell out a name for someone called Rias. You all of a sudden slip into unconsciousness.

You wake up on a couch and look around to see a girl with cat ears sitting on a chair.

"Ahh you are awake. I will go get Rias. Don't move if you know what is good for you." The girl says before walking away. It was a few minutes before a girl with flowing red hair came in and sat down in the chair in front of the couch.

"Hi (F/N). I'm Rias Gremory. I'm pretty sure you have many questions so feel free to ask away. Keep in mind you may not like the answers you get but it will be up to you to decide what to do with your future. No one here will pressure you." Rias said calmly as if she had done this before. You had questions but now knew you might be getting into something that could be bad with Rias giving you such a warning. You carefully started asking questions but braced yourself for the answers that you knew wasn't going to be pleasant. Rias ran through the basics explaining that you were attacked by what they call a fallen angel. She explained that there was a world that humans didn't know about and that in the hidden world there existed three races that we're common. They were Angels, Devils and Fallen Angels. She also told you that you have a hidden power inside you called a a sacred gear and was the cause of you being attacked. She yelled for a woman named Grayfia. You saw a woman with silver hair come into the room wearing what appeared to be a maid outfit.

"Since you will have your own house of members to run this may be a good time to add your first piece to your household." Rias said.

Grayfia turned towards you.

"How would you like to part of my household as a devil? You have freedom to do what you want but have to report in every once in a while encase there is a pact to do. We do packs which is helping people out and they give us things like material items for payment. It's an easy job and it pays well. Plus when not in school or doing a pact you can do anything you want." Grayfia asked you.

"Can I think about it? It's a lot to take in." You asked.

"Take your time. The offer will always be here for you." Grayfia says.

You nod your head and say thank you to her. You go to get up off the couch but feel a searing pain ripple through your abdomen. Grayfia instantly comes over and pushes you back down.

"Don't move just yet. The wound is still healing." Grayfia says before yelling for a rag and some warm water. You lay back down and your eyes slowly close causing you to drift back to sleep.

Grayfia x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now