Ch 27 - Tour

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You follow Irina out of the office and see that it opens up off a huge area that seems to be a place for praying and offerings. You continue to follow her out the main doors of the building and see the street is actually made out of stone instead of gold like you and every kid were taught. Irina saw the look of surprise on your face.

"Not what you were expecting? We like to keep thing simple and modest around here. We would never make things out of material to be flashy. Angels are what you would consider to be strange. Sure we could make things out of silver and gold but there would be no point in it. We see it that we would rather build things to be practical then out of things that would be showing off." Irina says.

"It just threw me off is all. It seems like not everything I was taught growing up about heaven is true. I guess even Angels have morals that they consider when living." you say.

"Well just don't have any thoughts about doing anything that could cause trouble and you will be just fine. Please continue to follow me and I will show you where you will be staying and some of the places you can eat at." Irina says.

Irina continues walking down the street and stops at a building that appears to be an inn like place. She walks in and approaches a desk that has an angel with long metallic blue hair and a dark skin complexion.

"Key to room eight please Mary?" Irina asks.

The angel reaches behind her and grabs a key off a hook and then hands it to Irina. Irina starts walking down a hallway and stops at a door that is four doors down and on the right. She opens the door with the key and pushes the door open exposing a room that is really well cleaned. It has a closet for clothes and even a private bathroom. She opens the closet to reveal normal clothes and even makes sure the bed is properly made.

"This is where you will be staying for your time here." Irina says handing you the key to the room.

You take the key and thank her for the hospitality.

"Well let's show you the places to eat at. You will of course be eating with angels in the proper dining hall. They may stare but that is because they aren't use to devils being here often outside of Rias and Akeno. Just remember they are not being rude and as long as you are polite and respectful they will treat you with respect." Irina says.

Irina walks out while you lock the door and starts walking down the street to a huge building. She walks in with you following behind her. You see that there is a kitchen off to one side and see angels cooking and putting food on the counter.

An angel with long flowing brown hair approaches you and Irina.

"You must be the devil that is going to be staying here for a while. If there is any type of food that you want specifically, just let the cooks know and they will make it for you. No matter what it is they will have someone here that will know how to make it. If you are hungry at any time fell free to stop in. If you are hungry now we can make something right now." the angel says.

"I'm good for now but thank you. I'm just getting my bearings down so I know where to go." you say politely slightly bowing.

The girl just nods her head and takes off to take down orders from others.

"Shall we get back to Grayfia and Lord Michael? I'm sure they are done talking. By the way, just to let you know, Grayfia will be staying here with you and you both will be sharing the same room. Consider this as both your training and honeymoon. We have a surprise set up for you." Irina says before taking off with a smile on her face.

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