8: No or Yes Catfight?

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[Chapter 8: No or Yes Catfight?]

Two days have passed after Shane told me about his plans - 'something important'. Let me correct that, because it was not just 'something important' but rather a 'something very important', well for me apparently.

Basically, Shane moved in the Philippines along with his father ever since his parents separated. I thought and for all I know Shane will be living with his mom after going back here in Cali, but being the unfortunate person I am, he would be flying to Miami for school. When? Well, after two days! I know, I didn't expect that.

While not being favored in school, I feel so much loved when I am with Shane but all the good things come to an end, we're not even going to college yet and then here he is, walking out my life, again.

I would definitely do anything for my 'adopted brother' to stay, but as I told my sister Ems, 'You can't do anything, it's his family, and I mean, real family here Lex.'

Yeah, the soap opera drama, that is my life - Lexi the Unfortunate or Lexi the Unlucky?

Emery sped down the stairway, looking exhausted early in the morning. She might have overslept. And you know what? I am jealous I can't even take five minutes with my eyes shut! Urgh, Why Shane? Why?

I paced to the hallway of our home and stood in front of the mirror - my mom wants to look good every time she walks out that front door - so, who wouldn't right?

Cleared my thoughts and exhaled as Emery gave me the keys of our Volvo.

The ride to school was quiet, Emery was reading an article for her first class while Liam was spread out in the backseat - snoring.

Annoyed by the 'classiest' background music ever, I reached for the radio to turn it off and Emery made this un-lady irked sound.

"Oops," I grinned while she just looked at me in her irritated expression. "I prefer having no music at the moment, go on with your reading.. In fact, you could better understand that paper without these sounds disturbing you, right?" as I picked myself back up against Ems annoyed face and signaled the car to turn left down the block. "You don't want any music huh? Wow, you really seem are in a bad mood." Emery always thought of me as the music lover older sister haha. Not now maybe, I'm still saddened by Shane's news. Emery, however, slid the article in her notebook and placed it in her school bag. "You won't finish the whole reading material?" I asked and acted to turn the radio on, worried that she might need the music back. "Nah, I'm feeling dizzy reading while inside the car anyway." She gazed out the window as I drove to school. Speaking of, this day was quite cloudy and the wind blows a cool breeze which is the most preferable weather for me.

Redfield came to view and as I parked my wheels, I saw a glimpse of Grace already waiting on one of the pews beside the school. That's a nice start.

We went off and paced towards the building, "Bye Lex, Bye Liam! See you guys after class" I nodded and Emery strode to the hallway.

Liam tapped me goodbye and head to his class as well, I shifted my direction to Grace.

"Hey! How's your English project going on?" I asked Grace. I haven't met her once Mrs. Guffrey gave us the task because she then became busy with Dior and I'm busy with Shelby and my poetry.

I was glad that Shelby told me last Tuesday that she will try to send me half of the said assignment but to my luck, she didn't.

I'll wait for her inputs till Monday and if Monday comes and she doesn't, then what else can I do? I'll do it myself. And let her do most of the presentation. Sounds like a plan.

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