14: Miami Fantasy Break

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[Chapter 14: Miami Fantasy Break]


“Is everything loaded?” Jake shouted from the outside. Emery and I currently placing all the hand carries on each of our hand bags. The luggage of both my sister and I have been thrown in the trunk of Jake’s mustang along with his baggage.

Julia and Jax will arrive anytime soon and all of us be riding to the airport altogether. The Treses assured that a chauffeur will be attending to our needs when the private plane lands in the hot place of Miami. Such an honor to be acquainted with the younger Treses. Private Plane!

“Hey is everything ready?” Jake asked again appearing from the front doors walking to the living room where my sister and I are currently ravaging the area for Emery’s stupid phone. She has misplaced the small metal since yesterday that answered why she used Julia’s and haven’t remembered the place she rested it on.

“Emery’s phone is not yet ready” I shrugged sitting up just after I squat to feel any cold slim mobile under the couches.

The impatient jock sighed, “I’ll just get you a new one, let’s go”

Woah, rich much? Well, he is indeed. He is a Wilder, of course.

I gently stood not feeling my legs, “Jax isn’t here yet”

“They are, now let’s get going” He nod towards the main door.

Emery surrendered as well nodding towards the jock but sauntered to the kitchen, “Mom, Auntie Sarah,” she called.

Anna walked to her - as I stepped closer - and hugged us, “Take care both of you. Liam should have joined in but his mom wants him home for the short break”

I scoffed, “I bet he love the idea of beach and bikinis”

Anna sends me a warning look as she released us, “Very well, have fun and call me when you landed. In fact phone me every passing day. Your dad will arrive there tomorrow and I want you to behave, am I understood?”

“Yes mom” we answered in unison.

“Goodbye my lovelies” she kissed our cheeks and led us to the red mustang. Auntie Sarah followed suit and gestured a goodbye.

“Lexi! Emery!” Julia waved, sitting at the passenger side of the Porshe Cayenne and I catch a glimpse on the man behind the wheel, it wasn’t Jax. “Hey! Where’s Jackson?” I sashayed closer the smooth car. It seems brand new as the color is vibrant and not a single scratch! Yet I didn’t assume because Jake’s mustang is close in comparison, and he had it at least a year now. The car enthusiast.

Emery talked with mom and Aunt Sarah about the rules, whatsoever. “Jax is on the way Lexi” Julia smirked.

I glanced at the driver, and surely his age might be in between forties, “I thought he’ll drive you here”

She shook her head, “We are on a convoy but he left something and told us to go first”

“Convoy” I nodded in understanding, What rich siblings they are. “I’ll wait for him then, you guys go first” I added beaming at the sudden idea that crossed my mind.

And I brought Jax the cuddly toy with me! My inner voice cheered.

“No, it’s alright, we’ll all wait for J” the sister decided. I inwardly frown, we could have talked alone in his car. A hand hugged me by the shoulders, “Hi Julia”

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