9: We're Unbreakable

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[Chapter 9: We're Unbreakable]

It was Monday morning, how I wish it to be weekend again! I stared at my reflection from the school's restroom mirror. What happened to you? I thought and asked myself.

I haven't had a sound sleep this weekend, the dark circles below my dull eyes says everything. I looked drained and exhausted - like one of the living dead that's roaming around the earth.

I exhaled a shaky breath, I can't break now. It's been two days and I told myself earlier that I can handle it. Why do I want to run home and sulk on my bed and cry myself out now?

The comfort room door burst open, "Lexi?"

I turned to face the girl who called my name, not minding on what she's going to think of me at this state of mine. It was Grace - I never been so glad to see her before, but at this moment she saved me.

She rushed to my side and hugged me tightly, "Oh Lexi, Everything will be alright. Okay?"

I nodded not being able to think straight at the minute.

I have been like this since Friday evening; Jake's party was a blast - no doubt about that.

Firstly, Emery and Julia joined the crazy night, Secondly, Shane and I got together the last time and it went pretty well but thirdly, Shelby and Zach arrived at the party - Shelby was a little tipsy already and started some bitchy fiasco she always does.

It stayed cool and peaceful not until the dance floor was interrupted by the queen bee herself. I remembered it clearly; she held a red cup on her right hand and the microphone on her left.

I didn't bother to check if it's filled or not, I'm not that much of a stalker.

She gathered the attention of the public but Zach was there with Jake trying to pry her off the spotlight, no one would dare if that's the queen bee, but still they tried to stop Shelby as she opened her mouth and said these words which came to haunt me til this very day 'What does she have? You told me she was nothing. But now you're leaving me for her?!' 'Lexi is nothing Zach, she is just full of misery and regret...'

That's everything I have to hear to run, but I didn't. Instead I stood tall that evening but she walked over in front of me. The silence was bugging me it was deafening and then as she spills the content of her drink, soaking my face wet from whatever it is she's drinking. A lone tear escaped from my eyes, thanking the liquid - for that instance - in not showing the damage she had given.

Why is she doing this to me? She humiliates me with the entire crowd around. This is the most fearful thing I would want to experience. All their eyes were on me - sympathetic and judging.

I tried my best to be strong. I stood unmoving until Zach pushed Shelby away and gave me his leather jacket which I embraced up until I sat home crying myself out.

That's what happened. Well, when I got to school this morning, some glared at me and whispers surround the hallways whenever I pass by. I hate it when they do that. I felt unwanted and they make me really feel like an outcast.

That's what hurts me the most, when people around you started to avoid you or even make you feel that you don't exist while before you're buddies and got along too well for your liking.

It was better the first day I came here because I don't know why they ignore me, but knowing that reason, it pains me. I do not want to suffer like this, who would right?

Grace freed me from her tight hug and wiped away my tears that I didn't even realized I had.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" my best friend asked looking very concerned.

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