[2] the famous fabio.

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a week later

''Guess It's not going to happen.'' I hear Drew mumble. He's talking about Fabio De Feo, he was actually going to begin work with us last week but he never came. Something apparently happened and they had to cancel the meetings until we don't know when. I shrug my shoulders, ''Whatever, it's not like it's going to change our lives if he is going to work with us. It will only help the directors and producers.'' I added.

I see the corner of his mouth drawn downwards and his brows pulled together. ''You don't understand how horny I was for him.'' I laughed loudly at what he said and slapped his head, ''You're being too much.'' I chuckle a bit more.

The whole company had gotten back to where it was from the beginning, rude, depressed, and ungrateful people but much worse. What is this Fabio even doing now? And what could stop him from going to a simple meeting?

''Oh my god, I love your bracelet!'' I hear Drew exclaim. I look at the shiny bracelet, I have had it for a week now and I got compliments for it all the time. He holds my hand and scan it, ''I know bitch! I'm in love with it!'' I almost blush, It feels like I have feelings for the bracelet. I just can't tear my eyes off of it.

Before we went back to work I went to the restroom to clean myself up before I start assistant everyone again. I walk into the bathroom and my eyes lay on two of my coworkers, more like enemies. As I wash my hands I overhear what they are talking about, ''I don't understand why he hasn't come yet! I'm trying my best to look good for him every day and he hasn't come yet.'' Oh, they are talking about Fabio.

I, without thinking, began to smile. Yeah, as if he was going to look at your ugly destroyed face that looks like stuffed zebra. Wait, I'm being too harsh. Zebras are cute. ''Trust me, Elle. When his eyes lays on you he will realize how breathtaking you are.'' Her minion says with a sweet, damn I gotta stop myself from smiling before I burst out laughing.

''Do you think? I mean you're right-'' This time I couldn't hold my laugh anymore, I laughed my ass off like I was the only one in the room. I feel them staring at me, I couldn't look at them. Not until I was done laughing. Then I slowly turn my gaze towards them. I see how her vein in her forehead is about to pop with anger. Damn, I really should watch my mouth.

''Is there something funny, terrorist?'' She takes a few steps towards me as I take a few steps back. Now, here's the thing. I could beat the shit out of this whore, but I would get fired right away and never find a job again. And just because she's white and popular in the company no one dares to talk back at her.

''No, I was just laughing for myself,'' I tried to defend myself, and yes I was terrified. It's not the first time Elle has attacked me like this. ''You were laughing with yourself huh?'' The last step made my back hit the wall. ''Tell me what's funny you terrorist whore!'' She spits on my face, I felt how my heart sank and my lips trembled with fear. Ilahi, help me. Please help me.

I feel her dragging my scarf and slamming me against the floor, the was the last thing that happened before I blacked out.


I took the Ipad from Anne's hands and slammed it on the ground, I feel how both James and Anne flinched. I look back at Anne as I take a few steps towards her, I noticed how she was trying to fight back the tears. ''I told you Anne, I don't fucking care about look-alikes bracelet! Find the fucking bracelet!'' I shouted, my irritation crackled. 

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