[13] stupid amal.

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I slowly open my eyes, groaning loudly to myself. And the first thing that pops up in my head is Fabio, or he has been popping a lot lately every time I wake up from a nap or sleep. It's starting to be a routine, and I feel like I miss him every time I haven't seen him for a while.

I don't like it, because I feel like I'm too attached to him. I don't want to be like the other fangirls, people have literally hurt themselves just because he hasn't given autographs and taken pictures with them. I don't want to be like them! Ugh!

I wake up, reading the new news about Fabio and Najah, I read about them having an interview together today at 2 pm. I sigh, not liking the idea of him spending time with Najah.

Whatever, I shouldn't care.

"When will you be meeting him again?" Reem asks, with excitement. I sigh, shrugging my shoulders. "Chill Reem, I just met him yesterday. We shouldn't rush things."

She rolls her eyes, "Gurl, this isn't a movie. You should rush things! We have to get married in the same year and have babies in the same year! Come on!"

I chuckle at what she said. Suddenly seeing an image of Fabio and me marrying each other. What the hell! No! That's cringe! Shut your mind Amal!

I let out a disgusted sound unknowingly, Reem looks at me with her left brow furrowed. I clear my throat, licking my lips a second later to avoid the awkwardness. "Well, I'll see when he hits me up."


"Mr.De Feo, this is your first time casting in a film involved with love. Am I right?" The interviewer asks with a smile.

I look at the camera nodding, "You're right."

"Well, what does it feel like?"

"It's interesting, I'm not that type of person who likes to do new things. But I wanted to give it a try, which makes it feel good."

She nods at my response, "I understand, and what does it feel like for you Ms.Aiello?"

Najah flips her hair before she responds, "I feel honored to be the first woman to work with Mr.De Feo in this way, I feel very special."

The interview continues for another 15 minutes until the interviewer finally clears her throat, "Alright, that's all for today. Thank you for coming Mr.De Feo and Ms.Aiello."

As we walk out of the building there were a lot of paparazzis and fans standing outside shouting our names,

"Fabio! Fabio! Please can I take a picture with you?"

"Fabio are you dating Najah?"

"You suit so well together!"

"I love you two so much!"

When we arrive in front of our cars I hear Najah chuckle, I look at her. "They all want us to be together." She adds. I sigh, shaking my head. "Najah, take care." As I was about to get in I feel her pull my arm and lean into me and kiss my cheek.

"I'll see you soon." She says, walking into the car. I shake my head, annoyed. Getting into the car with both James and Anne. "I mean, she wasn't wrong Mr.De Feo. Everyone wants you to be together."

Anne nods as a sign of agreement with what James said. "True, the whole country is waiting for you to announce your relationship."

"There isn't any relationship for us to be announcing," I said, with a serious tone. I look out of the window, wondering about what Amal is doing.

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