[27] not someone for him.

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"That shouldn't matter. Fabio doesn't care about that, he wouldn't be with me if he did." I try to explain my point, but they kept giggling and smiling at me like I was some type of idiot in front them.

"We're talking about Fabio De Feo, a man everyone wishes to even look at. Don't you think he has had a better time with other women, prettier women with beautiful figures, women that someone like you will never top?" Caroline said folding her arms. My heart started aching at what she said, because what if it's true?

"I heard Muslims have to wait until marriage, do you think Fabio will wait for you? When he realizes how ridiculous this is he'll leave you and find someone better." This time I tried so hard to hold in the tears, God what if this really is a mistake? What if someone like me can't be with Fabio?

I wanted to leave. I didn't want to be here anymore, I couldn't handle their words. They were destroying me. So now it's all about sex? Nothing but sex? "Amal, do you know when Roberto really fell in love with me?" Caroline asked. I look up at her and shake my head, "No?"

She smirked and tucked her hair behind her ear, "The day I showed him what I can do for him he did. So Amal, what Fabio and you have is nothing. It will die out soon." I look down and shook my head. Ya Allah, please save me.

"Amal, I think you should leave Fabio alone now," Vanessa added.

Before I even got to react or say anything I suddenly saw Fabio walk into the living room. We all look at him surprised. What was he doing here? "Fabio, what are you doing here?" Vanessa asked and stood up from the couch.

He glances over to me and sighs, "I'm here to bring Amal home." The second he replied I faked a smile and rushed over to him to wrap my arms around him, slowly leaning in and kissing his cheek. "I missed you," I said and looked at him. His brows furrowed by my sudden actions.

It's not like I just carved to kiss him, but I had to show Vanessa and Caroline that we're really in love. That we don't really need sex to love. He kissed my forehead, "I missed you too, my love. Let's leave."

I look over to Vanessa and Caroline who look at us, probably burning inside. "Amal can stay over here if she wants." Vanessa instantly says before we got to even take a step. Hell no.

Fabio shakes his head wanting to say something but I cut him off.

"I'd rather not. I'm not used to sleeping away from Fabio." I crossed my arm with his arm, she scans us before she nods. "Ciao," Vanessa muttered annoyed before Fabio and I walked towards the exit.

As soon as we walked out I snatched my arm off his and folded my arms. I didn't even want to look at him. Vanessa and Caroline are right, he has had a better time with other women and it kills me. It kills me that I'm not the first he's ever kissed. "What's wrong?" He asked with a soft tone.

I didn't reply but kept walking towards the car, what could I tell him? That I'm angry that he has been with other girls?

Girl, you should be happy that he even chose to be with you.

He prevents me from opening the car door and spun me around to face him. He pinned me against the car door and looked down at my eyes, "Tell me what's wrong Amal."

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