[6] elevator fight.

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I hear Drew sigh, I look at him with my brows raised. ''So the expected is really happening?'' He looks down at his phone. I bit my lower lip, ''What do you mean?'' Payton asks. He shows us something on his phone, a photo of Fabio and Najah together walking towards a car in the dark. ''And that's not it, everyone thinks that they are dating.''

Drew shakes his head, ''And I imagined him for me.'' I chuckle a bit at what he said. ''Everyone knew this would happen sooner or later.'' Payton shrugs her shoulders and looks back at her computer. ''Come on Drew, are you really simping for someone like him.'' I shake my head. ''I thought you would be better than this. Alright, he might be rich and famous, but come on he is not all that.''

''Everyone talks about him like he is the most precious man in the world, Oh Fabio, Oh Fabio. But I don't know what you see in him. Sometimes I even wonder, does he even look that good like everyone says. Believe me, he looks better in the movies. They probably photoshopped his face in the movies.'' I laugh loudly, they both look at me with widened eyes.

I furrow my brows, ''What? It's true. Fabio De Feo is not all that, and I stand by that!'' I almost shout. I see Drew rubbing his forehead as Payton is fake coughing. They looked so suspicious. ''Keep going.'' I heard a voice speak up behind me. I felt my heart stop and my eyes widened. God! No!

I slowly turned around, I felt the sweat running through my forehead. I faked a smile, ''Mr.De Feo, what brings you here?'' I gulp. God! What the heck was I asking, he's fucking working with us. I felt everyone's eyes on us. He suddenly pushes my head with his finger, god I'm so weak.

''Be careful of what that mouth of yours spit out Amal.'' He says before he walks off, Anne looks at me with a smirk on her face before she walks after him. Why does this always happen! I feel Drew's hand on my shoulder, ''He kn-knew your name?'' He trembled.

I wrinkle my brows, I can't let him know that we kind of knows each other. It must be a secret. ''Uh, he did? I didn't hear him say that?'' I shake it off. Payton stares at me, ''Amal, he literally said your freaking name!''

I itch my head, ''You must be mistaken.''

I walk into the kitchen to make myself a cup of coffee. I see Elle's eyes hit me, ya Allah not now. She walks up to me, "Amal." She said like she stated something. I nod at her, "Hi Elle." I tried to seem nice, I didn't to be beaten up in a kitchen. And I'm too tired for this bullshit. "I saw that you talked to Fabio today."

I swear everyone has been staring and glaring at me after what happened before, I'm going crazy. I slowly nod, ''You're right.'' I let out. I didn't know what to say more than that. I hear her scoff, then she bites her lower lip, ''Do you hear what the hell you're saying? You fucking talked to Fabio De Feo, do you know who that fucking is. Not someone you should even look at.''

I raise my brows, a smile wanted to appear but I hid it. If she only knew, she would've stabbed me to death. ''Elle, he was the one who talked to me. And I ans-'' Before I even finished her sentence I feel her kick my stomach. I landed on the ground with my hand twisting, I groan loudly of pain. She began to kick me, ''You slut! Whore! How the fuck dare you to talk to him?''

I sobbed, ''Please Elle, stop. You're hurting me.'' I held my hand. She stopped as she shook her head, ''Next time, watch your place.'' She said before she walked out of the kitchen. I kept crying there for a while before I rushed to the toilet a floor down.


''Wayne, you'll kill yourself! Please don't leave!'' Najah read off the script. I sighed before I read my line, ''People out there need me. I must help them, even if it means that I have to die. My love, believe me. I'll come back.'' I read it with a soft tone. The director snaps, ''Boom, and there it will be a kissing scene. You did great!'' He smiles. ''It was all for today, tomorrow we'll do a few more scenes.'' He continues.

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