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The Sakura Festival.

Sasuke was never a Festival person before the Village treated him like a Villain, and even now... he's just not a people person.

However he is a person nonetheless, and with the Sakura trees coming Into bloom, the Festival is right around the corner, the boy easily turned weak at a pair of excited, violet eyes.

Currently, he was in the training field working on a new seal that would help him if he could get it to work.... if.

"Tch, ok so this seal represents the distance, so the more Chakra the further I travel. This seal is to make sure I land where the seal does, or at least around it. These Seals assure that the other two stays in balance, and this one is to link It to my Chakra... so this should.." He trailed off.

Sasuke stuck the seal on a nearby tree and walked away, before forming a series of signs and placed his left hand onto his right shoulder. Soon in black, the Kanji for power appeared.

"Please work.." he muttered, he forced his Chakra to recognise the seal, and in a flash of purple Sasuke appeared in the tree, he was also completely drained of Chakra and the seal was getting hot...

"Oh shi-"


Hinata walked onto the field and saw Sasuke on his back covered in soot, dirt and was slightly burnt, a small piece of his hair was also burnt and on fire.

She grabs a piece of wood that was stuck in his hair on fire and pulled it out.

"S-Sasuke! A-are you h-hurt? D-do I need to t-take you to t-the hospital?" She asked rubbing some of her healing ointment on him.

"Hn" Sasuke replied, but a grunt was all he could really get out.

Hinata realised how tired he was and saw this as her chance to ask him something.

"A-ano, S-sasuke?" She muttered.

The said boy released a deep breath.

"Hn?" He replied.

"C-c-can we go to the S-sakura f-festival?" She asked.

"..." Sasuke didn't respond, his eyes were closed because he knew... he knew she had her puppy eyes and had he looked all resolve would disappear...




God, he was whipped.

"Hnnnnn..." he trailed off, the thought of having to deal with a crowd turned the whole idea sour.


Sasuke however made the fatal mistake of opening his eyes.

He saw a teary-eyed Hinata with her hand gripping the edge of her shirt.


Yeah, he is definitely whipped.

"Sure, we can go" he stated, catching Hinata's attention.

"R-really? You don't have to if you don't w-want to.. I... I just d-don't want t-to go alone..." she muttered.

And just like that any doubt in his mind had vanished... it was scary how much control Hinata had over him.... not that he would admit it, and Hinata was too sweet to ever figure out just how much power she had on her side.

She hugged him very carefully as she didn't want to harm him.

"Thank you..." She whispered.

Sasuke let out a sigh but a small smile made it onto his face...

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