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Sasuke did nothing else nor did he want to. A war was coming and this time he would be prepared.

And maybe, just maybe he will marry someone who won't make him want to jump off the Hokage mountain.

Sasuke was practising his Jutsu's, everything was back to level one power, but he could still do them all.

He had his Sharingan, but it was back to one Tomoe, but it's something, he still had his Mangekyo but it took too much Chakra and would render him useless immediately after powering it.

Right now however  Sasuke was writing down a timeline of major events that he could remember, and there was a lot.

The first major thing that he could remember was Tazuna, the bridge builder, and he only remembers that because that was when he first unlocked his Sharingan.

That fight will go much different this time.

Then it was Chunin exams, he won't allow himself to get bitten this time.

Then it was the Konoha crush that is what everyone called it.

Then... he met Itachi...

He has to talk to him, and that will be his best bet, as he doesn't see him after that until he's 16.

Next, he gets locked in a Genjutsu, and when it's broken he remembered being angry.

Then he fought Naruto.

Then he left...

There was more but those were the major events that happened.

While Sasuke was thinking of how to change his future he failed to notice just how tired he was from all the training he did.

A spare clone was keeping his Fangirls busy, so he could train till he drops.

One girl was not fooled and was currently watching the swaying Uchiha with worry.

She slowly walked over and tapped him on his shoulder.

Sasuke turned around, prepared for screaming but when his inky black eyes, caught a pair of pure white with a hint of lavender, he froze.

"Uhh, I umm y-you're hurt" her voice rung. It froze Sasuke to the ground.

He was only shocked because this never happened in his last life, Hinata chased after the Dobe, not him...

Well, he did say he was going to change the future.

Hinata stood in front of Sasuke shaking like a leaf, a bento box in her hands, her eyes glued to the ground, her head was down, it was a posture of submission.

Sasuke stood in front of Hinata, Stiff as a board, his hands were bloody and red from training, and his eyes were trying to catch hers, his head was held high, it was a posture of pride.

The two were as opposite of each other as night and day, and yet Sasuke couldn't help but relax in the Hyuga's presence.

Sasuke sat down and slowly pulled her down with him. He carefully took the box as to not startle her, and watched as she pulled out another for herself.

For the second time in this new life, Sasuke ate with Hinata.

Sasuke also remembers Hinata being called weak a lot, but she wasn't weak at all, not during their childhood anyway. She took the top spot for the females when it came to sparing.

Maybe after that, she lost motivation, or her families cruel words finally got to her, but Hinata had... no Has the potential to be the best Kunoichi of their Generation.

She is better than Sakura by attitude anyway, and during their childhood, Sakura chose to focus on him more than she did her training.

Call him biased, but Sasuke holds a bit of a grudge on Sakura. She never cared for him, it was just an obsession with the title and the bragging right that came with marrying the last Uchiha.

He wouldn't do it, ever again, he will never marry Sakura ever again, he hated her, He barely liked Sarada, but he disliked them both enough to find ways to stay away from the village.

"S-Sasuke? Y-you're bending t-the bento box..." Hinata pointed out.

Sasuke looked at his hands. He was indeed bending the box, was he being that obvious? No, his face is as plain as always.

"I-is something w-wrong?" Hinata asked.

"How did you know something was wrong?" He asked.

"Y-you haven't e-eaten, and y-you're s-slightly slouched, you're a-also t-twitching so  I-I t-thought s-something was w-wrong. P-people also d-don't break t-things for no r-reason." Hinata explained.

Sasuke's eyes widened a fraction.

It's only been a week since he came back and he's hung out with Hinata 5 times including this one, she is shockingly observant.

"..." Sasuke opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out, he was shocked.

Child Hinata paid more attention to him than his wife ever did.

"S-sorry, t-t-that must s-seem creepy to y-you." Hinata apologised, her head automatically bowing down.

Sasuke remembered listening to Naruto rant about how he was gonna kick Neji's ass for beating up Hinata, but in such a short time Sasuke doesn't want Hinata hurt.

He cares if only a little.

"Hinata? Do you want to train with me?" He asked her, he kept his eyes glued on his half-empty bento, he could feel his face flush.

He was also ranting at himself for being a 32 year old, blushing at a child, which makes him seem like a pervert. He then seemed to remember that if this worked then it wouldn't really matter, though his morals say otherwise.

But it's almost like his child feelings have come back, and he can't control them.

"R-r-really?" She asked, Hinata was more shocked that Sasuke offered than she was happy to get some extra training.

"Yeah, of course, I wouldn't have offered if I didn't want to." He confirmed.

Hinata gave a determined nod, but Sasuke read that determination for the wrong thing.

Sasuke assumed, her determination was to get stronger to prove her clan wrong and win over Naruto.

Hinata was actually determined to Show her strength to Sasuke in Hope's of getting him to accepted her friendship.

So the two trained, on everything, Taijutsu, Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, Sasuke even decided to see if he could grasp some idea on Fuinjutsu, there was no way he was facing that snake without some idea on seals.

Hinata was only interested in the main three, but she didn't let that stop her from wanting to help Sasuke understand the others.

This was the third step towards changing the future.



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