Chunin Test

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Sasuke glared Kabuto down, Haku was right behind him and even Shikamaru looked a bit intimidating.

Naruto and Ino saw what was happening and before Naruto could defend Kabuto Ino stepped up to point out something.

"That's a good one Sasuke if you're able to gather all this information on other Candidates I'd like to see what you have on yourself as well" Ino stated, Naruto immediately shut his mouth he didn't want to annoy Ino, they had only just gotten close.

Kabuto started to sweat, it's not that he didn't have a card of himself (which he didn't) it's just that he didn't know how to respond to the sudden hostility.

Sasuke was Glaring holes into him and in turn, Haku was as well and because both of them were hostile to him the village genius was also which was enough to make the rest of the group Suspicious of him.

He could also feel the holes burning into his back from the other Hyuga on the other side of the room and from Gaara, whose Glares were the worst.

His only hope was Naruto who he knew would defend him but after that blond bimbo stepped up the louder blond was more than willing to keep his trap shut, which put Kabuto in a very awkward situation.

Sasuke could see the snake giving death glares to the white-haired male which only made the traitor sweat even more.

"Ahh, well I don't exactly have an info card on myself, that would be a bit pointless wouldn't it?" Kabuto stated, he rubbed the back of his head and sweat dripped from the side, Sasuke could easily tell he was nervous, but not of them.

"Hn, of course, my card then," Sasuke said, he was agitated of course the snake's pet wouldn't willingly hand out information on himself, the least he could do was destroy the card the bastard had of him.

"See that I can do" Kabuto announced, he pulled out a card and let his Chakra flow into it.

Almost immediately after he did Sasuke snatched the card from his hand tore it to shreds and placed a small seal on its remains that lit the rest on fire.

He then glared at Kabuto, who was slightly shocked at the sudden action, however, Shikamaru instantly knew what Sasuke was about to do.

"How did you get information on someone who has never taken the exam before," Sasuke asked.

Kabuto stilled, he went very quiet.

"Tch, how troublesome, it's clear he stole that information, otherwise he wouldn't be so tense, oh what a drag" Shikamaru stated.

This caused the rest of the Leaf Genin and even Gaara and his team to glare at the boy hard.

He held information he shouldn't have, and that made him a target to now Team 7, 8, 10, Gai and the Sand siblings.

Kiba and Akamaru suddenly perked up before grabbing Sakura and Shino and jumping back.

Sasuke and Haku reacted immediately, Sasuke grabbing Naruto and Hinata, Naruto grabbing Ino, and Haku Grabbing Shikamaru and Choji.

Once they moved the sound Ninja attacked Kabuto who was left to fend for himself, dodging the immediate attack, Kabuto's glasses cracked and his left ear started to bleed before he threw up.

"Eh?" Naruto said looking at the scene, Sasuke had a tight grip on him so he wasn't going anywhere, and he didn't want Ino Injured, so he held her right next to him.

"What was that, he clearly dodged it, how troublesome" Shikamaru grunted.

"Interesting" Haku commented, be was very Intrigued by the display of Jutsu's.

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