Preliminary Match

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Everything was the same, the Preliminary matches were still held, only this time, Kabuto didn't leave.

He must have only left last time as Sasuke had the curse mark.

Sasuke smirked at that, not this time.

This time he was ready, he wasn't drained, nor was he being influenced by the curse seal.

Nope, this time Sasuke was going to fight using his strength alone.... and boy did he have some explosions ready for the poor soul who became his enemy.

He was starting to sound a lot like an explosive blond he knows.

Looking around Sasuke spotted the teams that had passed, they were the exact same as before with the add on of Haku.

The first match however actually surprised him, he thought he would be against Dosu again because let's face it the matches were rigged.

Come one, Hyuga vs Hyuga that was no coincidence, so Sasuke assumed that most of the fights would be the same...

But the first match, Was Hinata vs Sakura.

How odd, although he expected things to be different.

It almost reminds him of that day where he threw a defective Seal at Naruto, Hinata and Sakura also had a spar back then as well...

Hinata won if he remembered correctly, fairly quickly too... This was a good chance to see if Being away from Sasuke did Sakura some good.

Everyone but the said two went up to the stands.

Sasuke, Haku, Neji, Gaara, Ino, Naruto and Shikamaru all sat together watching the fight with more interest than before.

Sasuke vaguely wondered who Ino would go up against since Sakura is fighting here, but that would be dealt with later.

Right now Hinata and Sakura were stood across from each other, one in the basic academy stance the other in her clan's speciality stance.

Sasuke wasn't sure how this fight would go, don't get him wrong Hinata is strong, much more so than her previous self.... but she is also too kind.

Knowing Hinata she may just let Sakura win as she doesn't want to hurt the girl.

Sasuke could give less than a shit about if Sakura won or lost, but Sasuke really wanted Hinata to prove herself, to show her clan that she isn't the weakling they think she is... but the question is...

Does she want them to know?

Hinata might not even want them to know how strong she is..... well screw that Shit, it would be more embarrassing to lose to a civilian who has done no training.

"This fight isn't about Sasuke, Hinata it's between you and me!" Sakura said, she tied her headband around her head.

Hinata didn't move an inch.

"I-it was never a-about Sasuke, y-you just always t-thought it was" Hinata replied.

Sakura huffed.

"It's always been about Sasuke! I've tried and tried to gain his attention, his approval, literally anything, and He tells me he hates me. You barely have to do anything and he would rip the world in two if it made you smile! But not this time. This time has nothing to do with him I'm here to prove that I am the better Kunoichi!!" Sakura yelled.

Sasuke, looked at Haku.

"Is it that obvious?" Sasuke asked.

Haku gave a deadpan.

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