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Sasuke Uchiha sat at the bleak table staring at his rice and Miso soup...

He hates Miso soup.

His bland monotone eyes drifted up from the untouched plate of food to his wife and child, who ate happily and conversed as if the man was nonexistent.

Wasn't Sakura the one who was begging him to give her a chance for years, despite the numerous times he has tried to kill her?

Sasuke doesn't get it, yes they are married, but definitely not happily, yes they are a family, but not the happy one he had envisioned years ago when he was a child.

Sakura, although she says she loves him, has yet to make any attempt to get to know him, not even in the slightest.

She doesn't know his favourite colour, or food even though he has told her numerous times that it's Tomato soup. She doesn't care about him, if she did she would know that the man is a sucker for hugs, and loves bitter hot chocolates or that he has a chance of throwing up when he gets too confused or depressed.

Did she ever care to find out?


Sarada, his daughter... well she deserves her own category.

She's always mad at him, for something he couldn't control, it's not Sasuke's fault that the Otsustuki clan has been causing trouble for other villages, which caused him to leave the village for 10 years longer than she would like.

He was gone for 11.

He hates the house it's bland, there are no pictures, it feels cold and empty like all the colour has been sucked out of it.

What did he do to deserve this life, his clan was killed, he killed his brother to discover he was innocent, he killed Danzo and made a vow to change the world for the better, only to have to fight in a war for a village that couldn't care less about him and that he could care less about.

As much as he hated to admit it, Naruto was very lucky, although he didn't have a good start, at least he has a loving family.

He, however, has yet to notice that while they cleaned their plates Sasuke hasn't touched his.

And they wonder why Sasuke avoids the Village like the plague.

It's because there is nothing here for him, his so-called family doesn't care, the villagers hate him, his so-called friends are afraid of him, he can't even force himself to fix up his compound, even though he tried asking Sakura to help him once.




She ignored him.

Sasuke pushed his plate away from him as he laid his head down on his arm on the table.

He might take another job just to get out of the village, he can't take it anymore, he's tired of his boring life and would rather face Madara again than deal with this.

"Sasuke What's wrong?" Sakura asked in her usual annoying high pitched voice that made the male want to stab out his ears.

"Hn" he grunted, he was feeling depressed, and you could tell of you noticed his quirks, for example...

The slightly sluggish grunt.
His slouched posture.
The blank look in his eyes.
The fact that he hasn't eaten anything but soldier pills for 3 days straight.

If you knew him well to spot these signs, anyone could tell.

Could Sakura?

"Fine then be that way," she said picking up his plate and storming off to the kitchen.

Of course, she couldn't, after all, she doesn't actually care, she was after the title of being called an Uchiha and Sasuke's looks, nothing more or less.

"Papa, why do you do this to mama?" Sarada asked, her glasses reflecting the light.

Of course, she teams with her mother, why would she check to see if the man who was gone for the first 11 years of her life was ok.

There was something Sasuke was confused about, Sarada has the Sharingan, he's seen it, so why does she have glasses?

The Dojutsu only works with direct eye contact, unless your using certain Jutsu's like the Kotoamatsukami, or the Izanagi, or even the Tsukuyomi but otherwise things like glasses would make the jutsu weaker.

He's asked her this, but she never explains why.

"Hn..." Sasuke grunted his head hurt, he felt nauseous and damm did he need a hug, would he get one?

No, why would he? Clearly, the universe has decided that Sasuke must suffer.

Sick of her father's lack of response, Sarada too stormed off, missing the single tear that fell from the Male's eye.

He wanted a family who loved him, who would accept him, who would help him no matter what, who wouldn't judge him and let him speak his mind.

But that seemed like nothing more than a dream, a hopeless dream that would never come true.

Sasuke stood up and went outside, it was dark and quiet.

Sasuke went to the Hokage mountain and stared at the Village below.

He looked down and a thought crossed his mind. If he jumped.. would anyone care?

He knew people would be sad, but only for a few hours, at best a week for Naruto, but they would all move on.

Would anyone even visit his grave, he doubted it.

Maybe that would be better he doesn't have to deal with this depressing life, maybe he should leave the village again just to make a difference in his bleak, repetitive life.

Looking at the stars above he remembered his mother's advice.

"Find someone like me, someone you can put your trust in, someone you can honestly say you trust your life in their hands, someone who makes you smile just by existing, someone who means the world to you and I promise you will live a happy life"

Now that he thinks about it, why didn't he listen to her advice?

Sakura isn't like her, he doesn't actually trust Sakura, Sasuke definitely couldn't trust her with his life, Sakura rarely makes Sasuke smirk let alone smile, She doesn't mean the world to him.

The only thing tying Sasuke down to Sakura is Sarada, and that's only because he has a small amount of love for her as he helped create her, accidentally mind you, but still.

"I wish I had another Chance" Sasuke mumbled falling into a deep unnatural sleep beneath the stars.

He failed to notice the portal, beneath him that swallowed him without leaving a trace.



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