This snake Again!?

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Sasuke honestly had to rethink his life choices, because at this current moment in time he had no bigger wish than to Punch Naruto in the face.

Why is he so angry you ask? Well, the reason is simple but needs a bit of an explanation.

For the past week, Naruto had been perfecting the Rasengan, which is good because he needs another attack other than the shadow clones... again note to self to teach him more.

Not the point once the week reached its end and Sasuke had seriously enjoyed his mini holiday, it turned out that Tsunade was made a deal by Orochimaru himself.

That wasn't the worst part, instead of Punching the guy to Kumogakure as any Sane Ninja would, this idiotic Woman had the audacity to actually consider his deal!

Which led Sasuke to where he was right now, Hung upside down by Manda's tail, having Kabuto take Chakra out of him so he couldn't escape.

Sasuke glared at Kabuto vowing that he would kill him in the most painful of ways.

Tsunade on the ground Scared out of her dumbass mind because apparently, the best Medic Ninja in the great five Nations has a phobia of blood.

Sasuke saw his entire clan get killed and he didn't gain a phobia of blood, just a deep burning hatred that latched onto every fibre of his being.


He really needed to spend more time meditating with Hinata.

Not the point, the reason why Naruto is the one who will be punched in the face is because it was his genius idea to bring Sasuke along with them to get him healed quicker than to let him be returned to Konoha with Guy.

Now because of his Genius idea, Sasuke had come face to face with the one Ninja he had been trying to avoid.

Hence the situation he is in now.

"Naruto, I'm going to kill you!" Sasuke shouted from his spot in the air.

Naruto paled slightly at the pair of spinning Sharingan's blazing down at him.

"All I wanted to do was wake you up sooner, is that so Wrong, Believe it!" Naruto shouted dodging yet another attack from Manda.

"YES!" Sasuke shouted back.

This was horrible, his Chakra was sucked out of him so he can't just teleport away, any Jutsu he uses could potentially kill him, and they know that once Orochimaru bites him again, the curse mark will be placed and shit will go down.

Sasuke had to think of a way out of this situation and quickly, seeing as two of the three 'Legendary Sannin' are being useless as hell, and the other Sannin is the cause of this mess.

Oh yes, how Legendary they are... he really needs to stop being so salty right now.

Sasuke looked at Kabuto who looked him in the eye, before flinching and looking down, but the deed had been done.

Kabut without realising it Stabbed Manda's tail with a Chakra scalpel, releasing Sasuke, who grabbed Kabuto, and threw him to the ground before landing next to him.

He then proceeded to kick the absolute shit out of him, but before he could kill him, he got smacked by Manda's tail sending him flying into Naruto.

"I hate this, I Hate the Sannin and I hate Kabuto," Sasuke growled.

"Oh shut up Teme, you hate a lot of things, believe it!" Naruto yelled pushing Sasuke off of him.

Naruto then began to power up his Rasengan, thankfully using a clone this time, Sasuke spotted this and immediately began creating his Chidori.

"Teme! The hell are you doing! You could die from Chakra exhaustion" Naruto bellowed.

Sasuke slowly starting to fuse his Chidori to Naruto's Rasengan.

"Hn, as long as that bastard comes with me, then it's worth it," Sasuke said. Now he said this but didn't mean it.

He wasn't an idiot, but by fusing Naruto's Rasengan and his Chidori, it gives the attack more power without Sasuke having to supply it since Naruto is a Chakra powerhouse thanks to Kurama.

"Your welcome brat, but this only happens once," Kurama said speaking to both the boys.

"EHH! What a load of crap!" Naruto shouted out.


The boys charged at Kabuto and slammed their attack in his chest effectively putting a massive hole through it.

When Orochimaru saw this, he hissed in anger, annoyed that his most useful, pawn had been destroyed and had effectively retreated leaving Kabuto's body there on the ground.

Naruto ran to Tsunade who at some point got over her fear, not that either of the boys knew when, and Sasuke spotted Jiraiya being Carried by Gamabunta and was being healed by Shizune.

Sasuke looked at Kabuto's body as it laid still on the ground, using the last of his Chakra he summoned a small ball of fire and burnt his body to ash, just in case Orochimaru had the idea to use Edo Tensei on him.

He watched it burn with a blank face before a small smile grew. With this so many problems had been solved, the best example....

Madara isn't coming back....



Or at least that's what he had hoped would happen there were still many ways for the old bastard to return. It just so happens that the one he destroyed was the quickest.

With Kabuto dead and Orochimaru gone, the group decided to head back to Konoha, because while Sasuke was enjoying his vacation Tsunade and Naruto made a bet that Naruto won.

Not much of a shock with Tsunade's track record, but not the point. Sasuke needed to get back and start packing his bags, because now.... now it was time to leave.

He didn't want to leave, he wanted to stay, but things needed to be done. He needed to meet Itachi, He needed to kill Danzo, he Needed to warn the other Jinchuriki's and he needed to find Isobu.

As sad as it is, he can't do those things while being stuck inside of Konoha. The only good thing is that both He and Haku are used to this.

They had both done it once before, so doing it again wouldn't hurt.

Haku had abandoned Kiri, and Sasuke from his last life, this wasn't an issue for either of them.

They had a mission, and they were both perfectly content with putting their lives on the line to complete it.


Lol sos this took a while, but I was being Lazy, and then when I wanted to write I had a headache.

But here it is, we are getting very close to the end guys, one or two more chapters I believe.

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter.

Ja ne!


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