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Ok, so Sasuke may have fucked up when he went to spar Neji.

He had shown Hiashi his Sharingan which means the Hokage knows, which means Danzo knows because the Hokage is too dense to notice that Danzo is scum.

That lead him to where he was now, sitting in front of the Hokage, the village council, (which included Danzo) and Iruka.

"Sasuke, Why didn't you tell anyone that you had the Sharingan?" Hiruzen asked, yeah Sasuke did not respect him as a Hokage.

"Hn" Sasuke responded.

"Answer boy," Danzo said.

"I did, you just didn't understand, maybe you would have if you had an Uchiha on your side... but you know" Sasuke responded, oh yeah, he was throwing shade at the ass who allowed his clan to be killed.

He was getting Shisui's eye back.

"Grrr" Danzo growled.

"Now now, Sasuke you must answer, we could have gotten someone to train you with it," Hiruzen said.

Sasuke silently apologised to Kakashi, who he could see standing behind The Hokage.

"Tch, like who, my clan is dead, so unless someone had stolen their eyes from their corpses then you couldn't train me" he responded. Now, this was directed at Danzo, but he saw it made Kakashi flinch.

It wasn't his fault about Obito, but Kakashi wouldn't accept that until he saw the guy himself in around 9 years.

"What are you insinuating?" The hag, (whose name was lost as Sasuke didn't care) asked.

"Hn" Sasuke responded glaring at the ground.

Sometimes he forgets that he's supposed to be 7, but even now it's like his brain and this body have fused, he's acting like a smart ass 7-year-old.... which is kinda what he is supposed to be... but he has the memories of a 32-year-old man? Ok, now he was just confusing himself.

"Let me try, Sasuke why didn't you tell me at least?" Iruka asked, even Sasuke could see that he was hurt that his student didn't trust him.

"Because you would have told the Hokage, and I didn't want that" Sasuke responded, he couldn't lie to Iruka, all the memories of him offering Sasuke out to get food hit him.

He was too nice for his own good.

"Why didn't you want me to know?" Hiruzen asked.

Sasuke smirked at this... this was a perfect way to let them know he doesn't trust them without getting into trouble.

"... I-Itachi, told me never to trust the council," Sasuke said, he forced himself to hesitate and 'force' Itachi's name out.

"You would trust a traitor?" The other old man said.

"He was my brother before he was a traitor, he told me that a year before he... *ahem* I trust his words then, I will do so now," Sasuke responded.

Now he has a reason as to why he hates them, and they can't say shit as everyone knew Sasuke trusted Itachi above his parents before the attack.




Silent, they were all silent.

What could they say?

"Very well Sasuke, but I trust you'll tell us in the future if the Sharingan has any kind of development," Hiruzen said.

"Hn" was his response, and everyone knew, it meant that Sasuke wouldn't tell them a damm thing.

When everyone separated Danzo growled.

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