Konoha Crush pt2

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Sasuke, Haku and Naruto were right on Shukaku's tail, thankfully the beast was smart enough to get as far away from the Village as possible.

But his urges were definitely getting worse.

"Naruto, I need you to keep Shukaku distracted, once he is I'll be able to get Gaara out of there. Haku once I pull him out I need you to keep him as still as possible so I can break the curse mark!" Sasuke announced.

The two boys on either side of him ga e a sharp nod, and just as Shukaku stopped running, Sasuke grabbed onto Naruto's hand, spun him around and threw him high Into the sky.

Naruto used the opportunity to create well over a hundred clones, each one with a Kunai in hand.

Sasuke then made a mental note to teach Naruto something other than the shadow clone Jutsu.

Haku hung back, he knew what his role was and taking a tailed beast head-on, was not it.

With the hundreds of clones drawing the now completely lost Shukaku's attention, Sasuke and Haku combined their Jutsu's of fire and ice to create a much-needed smoke screen.

Sasuke jumped up from tree to tree and right as he was about to grab Gaara...

"SASUKE!!!" Sakura screeched.

Her shout distracted him but gave Shukaku the time he needed to swat Sasuke away.

The Bijuu then held Sakura up against a tree and slowly began to crush her.

"𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖌𝖎𝖛𝖊 𝖒𝖊 𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖊 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉!!" Shukaku shouted, his voice just as distorted as his mindset.

Sasuke gave a low growl at the idiotic pinkette, he had no idea what she was trying to do, but it wasn't helping.

Using a clone of his own Sasuke threw himself to Naruto who was being held by sand in the air.

"It's no use! We need to fight him on his scale!" Sasuke yelled.

"I know Teme! I just need to Summon Gamabunta! I can lend you some of Kurama's chakra too if you need it!" Naruto yelled.

Sasuke nodded and grabbed his shoulder, Kurama's chakra flowed through him, and since he knew Manda was already Summoned and was destroying Konoha, Aoda was free.

Both boys were covered in the massive cloud of smoke, Naruto on top of Gamabunta and Sasuke on top of a now noticeably smaller Aoda.

He assumed Aoda was smaller due to the fact that he was younger at this point.

"Masssster Hatchling, I believe we agreed you would sssssumon me after Manda wasss gone" Aoda announced.

"No time, I'll take the consequences later, I need you and Gamabunta to hold Shukaku down!" Sasuke yelled.

"Hmph, I'm back to fighting him again, really brat you couldn't be more creative this time around!?" Gamabunta said.

"Ehh! The hell are you talking about! We've never fought Shukaku before, believe it!" Naruto yelled.

The other three rolled their eyes.

Gamabunta then Charged at Shukaku, he swung his sword to deflect an air bullet, and in that split second Aoda had wrapped around the Bijuu hiding it still.

At that clinical moment, both Sasuke and Naruto jumped and grabbed hold of Gaara, who was still under the effects of the curse mark.

With a punch from both boys, Gaara flew to the ground, where Haku had trapped the boy in ice up to his neck, although he had to keep concentrating, otherwise his Sand armour would break free.

With Shukaku drained, Sasuke leapt into action, he drew a series of ink patterns on the curse mark, he then made a mass amount of hand signs before slamming them both o to Gaara's neck.

The curse mark lit up like a beacon and Gaara gave a pain-filled scream that all were sure that those in the Village had heard.

Once the light and Screams had died down, Sasuke fell back I'm exhausted, Haku released Gaara and all four boys were on the ground drained but conscious.

"Can we come to the agreement that Orochimaru is the worst?" Naruto said.

The other three nodded.

"U-umm.. a little h-help" a voice squeaked.

The tired kids looked over and Saw Sakura was still trapped onto a tree, Gaara sighed and tiredly manoeuvred his sand back to his gourd.

Sakura as usual then rushed to Sasuke first who ignored her.

Kankuro, Temari, Shikamaru and Hinata all appeared, with the respective helping their teammates up.

"I apologise, and am deeply in your debt once again Sasuke, and thanks to the both of you as well, Haku, Naruto. The hidden Sand will always have your back" Gaara stated.

"Hn, just don't make me do that again" Sasuke grumbled.

"Hehe! Don't worry about it, just keep that Alliance until I'm Hokage and we're cool, believe it!" Naruto yelled.

Haku gave a curt nod.

With that, the sand siblings headed home, as did the Konoha shinobi.

Haku glanced at the drained Sasuke who he had hung on his back.

"Lord third is dead isn't he...." Haku whispered.

"Most likely" Sasuke responded.

The walk was silent for a while.

"Naruto will be upset..." Haku whispered.

"Hn, it was the old bastards time anyway, and  Naruto needs to learn that the world isn't all sunshine and Rainbows, despite the fact that he could convince the world that it was..." Sasuke replied.

Haku gave a deep sigh, at least things would be at least a little peace for a while...

Or that's what's Haku thought because what came next was the most important thing to Sasuke ever...

Meeting Itachi, he had a small timeframe to convince Itachi to meet him at the Uchiha hideout early.

It was going to go one of two ways... Itachi ignores him and Sasuke doesn't see him again until he's 16, or Itachi hears him out and Sasuke uses the chance to give Itachi his memories of the future.

Either way wasn't going to be pretty, it's just that one route gives them more time to find a cure than the other.

Once the group had returned to Konoha the news had spread and it made Naruto and Hinata start crying.

Shikamaru kept his head down, and Sasuke and Haku stared at the messenger with empty faces...

Well for a while before Sasuke began to have a small smirk.

Lord third had been killed by Orochimaru.


Oh boy, we Meet Itachi soon.

Sakura messes things up as she does.. for those who love her, relax things get a little interesting with her soon.

But our boy Gaara is back to normal, and Lord third is now dead.

Sad times.

Hope you enjoyed!

Question!: Who do you think is the most underrated Hokage!

Answer: I think Minato, sometimes when I hear people talk about the guy I wonder if they actually know what he is capable of.

Ja Ne!


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