Chapter 17: The Path of a Warrior

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"Let all cats old enough to fight off enemies join here beneath the Moonrock for a Clan meeting!" Dreamstar called out to NightClan. Falconpaw, Mistypaw and Brackenpaw were first over. Their fur was groomed and their eyes glittering. Magpiewing and Swallowmist were slower, they had received their warrior names a moon ago, not long after Falconpaw and Brackenpaw's conflict.

One more time Falconpaw looked at his shoulder and checked his chin- no wounds were left, not even a scar. Startled he checked his ear. He still remembered the time when Shadowstar had sliced it as a kit. Amazingly, the ear was whole! Falconpaw ignored it; today was a great day! The rest of NightClan had gathered by now, and Dreamstar continued.

"Brackenpaw, Falconpaw, and Mistypaw! Step forwards!" she called. The three apprentices obeyed.

" I, Dreamstar, leader of NightClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Brackenpaw, Falconpaw and Mistpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!"

"I do!"

"I do!"

"Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name, Brackenpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Brackenclaw. StarClan honors your courage and strength and we welcome you as a full warrior of NightClan.

Falconpaw, from this day on you will be known as Falconblaze. StarClan honors your determination and skills, and we welcome you as a full warrior of NightClan.

Mistypaw, from this day on you shall be known as Mistyflight. Starlan honors your good heart and your wits, and we welcome you as a full warrior of NightClan." Dreamstar finished.

"Brackenclaw! Falconblaze! Mistyflight! Brackenclaw! Falconblaze! Mistyflight!" the Clan cheered.

Brackenclaw sat up straight with his chest puffed out, clearly enjoying all the attention. Falconblaze rolled his eyes, but knew he was doing pretty much the same thing. Mistyflight blushed and looked down, but she had a huge smile!

"Clan dismissed!" Dreamstar called, before leaping down from the Moonrock and into her den. The Clan gathered around the newly appointed warriors, congratulating and celebrating. But soon most lost interest and walked away to their dens.

Falconblaze settled in the center of camp along with Brackenclaw and Mistyflight. It was going to be a long, silent night.


It felt like and eternity before dawn finally arrived. Falconblaze puffed out his fur against the cold. Finally! I thought it would never end! he thought. beside him Mistyflight stirred too, Brackenclaw was already stretching. Jetstream and his mate Emberheart came out into the clearing. They smiled and nodded to the three warriors.

"It's fine, you can talk now!" Jetstream calls. Emberheart quickly grabs some prey and hurried back into the nursery where her 4 kits were tumbling around. Falconblaze sighed with relief.

"Thanks Jetstream!" he calls. Mistyflight and Brackenclaw purrs and walks over to the fresh-kill pile. More cats were starting to stirr; Ironclaw, the deputy, came out from the warriors den with Nighthawk and Rippledstream right behind him. Redkit, Wingkit and Adderkit came tumbling out of the nursery with their mother huttying behind them.

Falconblaze watched as his sister settled next to Brackenclaw with a rabbit. Brackenclaw stares back with a challenging look. Falconblaze turns away. He grabs a mouse and settles down in the pther end of camp.

Falconblaze's Path (1): The Heart Of A Warrior, The Life Of A RogueWhere stories live. Discover now