Chapter 9: The First Mistake

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Wind and rain hammered down on the two kits mercilessly. Soaked to the bone and starving they were getting weaker fast. Unknown to them though, was that two pairs of eyes were watching. Smiling.

A slinky brown she-cat with amber eyes padded down the slope towards the two kits. A black tom with icy blue eyes followed. The black tom took the lead down, growling a warning to the she-cat. The she-cat shrank back and followed the black tom. When they reach the bottom she looks at the tom expectantly.

"Now, Shadowstar?" she whispers. Her amber eyes glowing with hunger. She shifted on her paws, ready to strike on the two kits. The kits had stopped and were huddling under a holly bush several fox lengths away.

Shadowstar nods. "Take them down Mousefang." He meows back. Mousfang leaps out over to them with a yowl of triumf. She loved hearing the way those small rogues screeched in fear and scattered. She went for the she-cat first, she was the smallest. Mousefang had just managed to trap her, and was coming closer. She growled, but the growl turned into a yelp when pain shot up her tail. she swung around to find the little tom biting down on it.

She hissed and shook herself, but the little kit hung on tight! She focused so hard on the tom that she forgot his sister. As soon as she had turned away the she-cat jumped onto her back and clung on too. She twisted and turned but the little thor sharp claws had dug themselves into her skin.

At last the tom let go, and she went for the she-cat. But the tom yowled in protest and leaped for her head. His belly covered her eyes, blinding her. His front paws attached to her ears. And then his hind paws found her throat. She gasped and collapsed.

"You..." she gasped. Blood was flowing from her neck. Her eyes glazed and her body fell limp. The kits backed away in horror, turned around, and fled as fast as their legs could carry them. They never looked back.

Falconblaze's Path (1): The Heart Of A Warrior, The Life Of A RogueWhere stories live. Discover now