Chapter 12: Several Moons Later...

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It had been a few moons since Falconpaw and Mistypaw had left DarkClan territory.

Yes, FalconPAW.

He and Mistypaw had wandered from territory to territory ever since they had escaped, but then they came across NightClan. Dreamstar had been nice enough to take them in. Falconpaw had hesitated at first, but Mistypaw insisted they try.

Lovesick furball.

Right after they joined and got their mentors Mistypaw had fallen for Brackenpaw. Initially Falconpaw had no problem with that, but why BRACKENPAW? Brackenpaw was handsome, snotty, a know-it-all and stright down abnoxious. Falconpaw didn't understsnd what his sister saw in him!

He sighed. Right now he was lying down in the apprentices den, thinking of his old life. He missed the traveling, sleeping under the moon and stars, just him and his sister. There was no longer the usual quarrel between them. To survive out there they had to cooperate and help each other. They had grown very close.

And now Brackenpaw was ruining everything.

Falconblaze's Path (1): The Heart Of A Warrior, The Life Of A RogueWhere stories live. Discover now