Chapter 14: Training

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(OMG! Thank you so much for votes and reads! 73 reads? :o I had like 40 soemthing yesterday! :D THANK YOU! Now; back to the story ^_^)

Falconpaw was woken by a paw prodding at his side. He slowly opens one eyes, and sees the blurry shape of a black and white cat. Grudgingly he open the other eyes.

"Wake up you dormouse!" Swallowpaw laughs. "Frostgaze and Bramblefire are waiting!" She mewes. Falconpaw smiles. His mentor Bramblefire was Frostgaze's sister, and he wasn't surprised they wanted to train together. He sighs and gets up onto his paws.

"What 'r we doin' today?" He mumbles. Swallowpaw grins at his faint accent.

"Battle training." She tells him. Falconpaw's eyes light up. He loves battle training, like most the apprentices. Swallowpaw hesitates. "Brackenpaw too. Mistypaw and Magpiepaw are hunting."

Falconpaw's heart sank again. Oh no! He's gonna brag all the time if he wins, and if he loses he'll just complain that we cheated or something. Falconpaw thought. But there was nothing he could do, he would just hope that Windchaser could control his apprentice. He hurried out of the den with Swallowpaw.


"Nice duck Falconpaw! But you have to be faster to attack, you just gave your opponent enough time to come with three counter-blows!" Bramblefire calls.

Falconpaw can feel sweat drip down his muzzle as he strains to follow his mentors orders. Swallowpaw was older and faster; she kept him going at top speed while relaxing herself. At least it looked that way.

Falconpaw lashed out with a paw to her head, but she backed off and swung around to kick him. He just managed to slip beneath her without getting blown away by her powerful hind legs. If only Bramblefire can come up with more creative techniques! He thought, irritated.

"Try to kick up when you're underneath Swallowpaw! If you get her off her legs it will be easier to beat her." Bramblefire meows from across the clearing. Falconpaw gave an exasperated sigh.

"But where's the fun in an easy match?" He jokes. Bramblefire misunderstands him completely.

"You don't think of making a battle fun when you're first there." She growls. "The point is to win and survive with as few injures as possible!"

Falconpaw rolls his eyes. This wasn't going to work. Swallowpaw was older, bigger, and faster. He had to use wits if he were to beat her, and not try to overpower her. But that would mean defying his mentor orders, wouldn't it? Bramblefire hadn't said EXACTLY how to fight, she had just come with occasional suggestions...

He smiles as Swallowpaw backs off, so she doesn't have him underneath her. He gets up in a flash, and judges the distance between them. The he leaps. As he though Swallowpaw moved backwards so he wouldn't land on her, but that was not his plan. He landed in front of her, and as soon as he landed he lashed out and caught Swallowpaw on the chin.

She yowls with surprise and backs away. He keeps batting at her. He rises onto his hind legs and balances there; coming closer one step at the time. Swallowpaw ducks as fast as she can, but Falconpaw often manages to hit her anyways.

"That's enough!" Frostgaze calls. Falconpaw drops down on all four paws and Swallowpaw stands up. She looks at him with surprise.

"Goo fight!" She meows. Falconpaw smiles.

"Thanks! You did well too." He replies. She looks at him.

"At the beginning I was beating you. What happened?" she asked. Falconpaw looks at the ground.

"I tried a different technique than Bramblefire taught me." he replies with a shrugg. "Just hope she won't get mad."

Swallowpaw smiles, "I'm sure she won't!"

Together they pad into camp.

Falconblaze's Path (1): The Heart Of A Warrior, The Life Of A RogueWhere stories live. Discover now