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Pleasurably - pleas′ur·a·bly

1. in a very enjoyable, agreeable, or gratifying manner

Odessa opened her eyes as she felt arms surround her. She smiled and snuggled closer to the body laying next to her, closing her eyes and basking in the comfortability being so close to her mate gave her. Over the past two weeks, they had come up with a morning routine. They'd spend time at night together getting to know each other and talking about whatever they could. Last night they had discussed bugs. As gross of a topic as it was, they had been able to argue about them for hours. Odessa hated bugs because of how they looked. With her increased vision, she could see every detail on their small bodies. It grossed her out to know they had extra eyes protruding from their bodies and tiny hairs covering their extra limbs. They were ugly creatures that she wanted to be as far away from as possible. Alec thought there was nothing wrong with them. He believed their unique characteristics served their purpose for survival, and he couldn't knock them for that. He'd ask her about butterflies and bumblebees, to which she completely disregarded her argument and declared them the cutest things on the planet, leading to an hour long argument.

After spending time together, Alec would go off and find Jane or hang out with Felix or Demetri while Odessa got some much-needed rest. Sometimes she fell asleep. Other times, she'd just close her eyes and take in the time she had to herself. Alec would enter the room just as the sun was peeking its rays from the horizon and lay down next to her to wake her up. As long as Alec was still in the castle and wasn't out on a mission, he would wake her up or jolt her out of a light snooze.

She turned and faced Alec, slowly opening her eyes and letting out a soft, "Good morning."

He pecked her on the lips three times before he said, "Good morning. It's time to get up and start the day."

"And if I do not want to?"

He smirked before he tossed the covers off of her and threw her across the room. She shrieked as she flew through the air before he caught her and threw her back on the bed. The air left her lungs in an exhilarating rush as she stared up at him in a daze. He smugly smiled down at her and stole the remaining breath from her by kissing her. His lips were solid against hers and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He pried her mouth open and sli[[ed his tongue in her mouth. She succumbed to it, letting him take the lead and softly gasping as his hands traveled her body. He unwrapped her hands from around his shoulders and held them above her head on the bed. He detached his lips from hers and trailed down to her neck. He glanced down hungrily to see her breasts pushed up and slightly protruding from her nightgown. He licked his lips and dipped down to kiss between them. He wanted to slip the top of her garment down and suckle on the hardened nub hiding beneath it, but that had to wait. He placed a kiss over top of her breast before he pulled away and stood. Odessa let out a whine and followed him until she was standing in front of him. He gave her a knowing look, to which she groaned at her idiocy.

"I cannot believe I fell for that," she said with a hand covering her eyes.

"I would love to spend all day in bed with you, but we have things to do today," Alec reminded her.

"I know," she groaned. "We will pick that back up later."

"Gladly," he said hungrily. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her close to him. He nipped at her ear and whispered, "I can't wait to taste you."

"Alec," she warned. He stepped back and offered his arm. She grabbed her robe and put it on before taking his arm and following him out of the room. They walked down to the kitchen so she could have her morning snack. She took a seat at the table while Alec rummaged around the fridge and pulled out some fresh fruit. He pulled out a cutting board and cut strawberries, an apple, and a pear into pieces. He put the pieces into a bowl and placed it in front of her while he washed the utensils he used. Odessa hummed as she plopped an apple slice in her mouth. One thing she absolutely loved about being a hybrid was that she could still taste and eat human food. Blood was delicious, especially when she drank from someone with diabetes, but there wasn't much variety to it. There were so many different spices and flavors in human food that curbed her cravings.

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