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Grimly - grim·ly - /ˈɡrimlē/

1. in a very serious, gloomy, or depressing manner

2. in an unrelenting manner despite hardship

"It has come to our attention that there is something brewing within our community," Aro said as he addressed the entirety of the guard. Felix, Jane, Alec, Odessa, Demetri, Heidi, Chelsea, Afton, Santiago, and Corin stood sporadically around the room. Jane, Alec, and Odessa stood together closer to the leaders of the coven; Chelsea and Afton stood together with Corin near one of the corners of the room; Demetri, Felix, Heidi, and Santiago stood front and center. Caius's eyes surveyed the room critically, looking for any indication of emotion. His eyes continued to trail back to Odessa, and every time they did, he sneered at her in distaste. Odessa caught him doing it twice before she realized she was better off avoiding his gaze. Whatever was ruining his mood must be bad. Marcus was a bit more alert than usual, but he was still as stone-faced as always.

"Yes," Caius spoke. "While there are always those opposing us, it seems someone has finally put a plan into motion."

"After speaking to Michail of the Russian coven, it is clear that the existence of the Volturi and the existence of vampires are under attack," Aro furthered. "It is imperative we take action now rather than let it stew for longer than necessary."

"I have heard quite a few whispers on my missions," Demetri said after a beat of silence.

"As have I," Felix echoed. "The others are more restless than usual."

"Which is why we will have to deal with the perpetrators," Aro spoke. "The last thing we need is an uprising. With what happened with the Cullens still fresh in the minds of all, I doubt we will have many supporters." He frowned. "Of course, we have been trying to win back our favor within our community with the help of Corin, Heidi, and a few of our lower members. However, I think it will take time before we gain back the respect we had before the hybrid ordeal."

"I imagine our community would have been better off without the presence of hybrids ," Caius said, sitting out the word as if it was poison. Odessa shifted uncomfortably and Alec bumped her hand in response to let her know she wasn't alone. She smiled at him appreciatively before it was wiped from her face. She knew his hatred for the hybrid species was due to her actions and behavior coupled with the Cullens' actions and behaviors. Still, it hurt.

"Now, now, Caius," Aro placated. "Our dear Odessa here is a marvelous example of how hybrids are a terrific addition to our community. Interestingly enough, our dear Odessa here has a connection to someone within our opposers and will be a great asset to our plans of retaliation."

Odessa cringed as several heads swiveled in her direction. Michail's words echoed in her mind as she intuitively knew who the connection was. It seemed like Vera was still trying to stoke the embers of her revenge.

"What is the plan, master?" Jane asked.

"We will need to figure out their next move, but to do that we need more information. For now, I want you all to talk to one another. Find out if there are any connections between the things you've heard and seen. We will send out some of you to investigate whispers within our community in a short period of time. Odessa, we need to talk. The rest of you are dismissed," Aro answered. Odessa watched them go with fearful eyes. When she turned back towards the leaders, Caius beckoned her forward with a finger and a smirk. Odessa gulped unnecessarily and walked forward until she was standing directly in front of them. She wished a hole would swallow her up without delay.

"You're scared. Good," Caius said shortly.

"Odessa, it has come to our attention that you have a close connection to this uprising," Aro started. "Do you oppose this statement?"

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