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Wisely - wise·ly - /ˈwīzlē/

1. in a way that shows experience, knowledge, and good judgment

Odessa was having the time of her life! She'd never done something so trivial, not even with Vera. It felt relaxing, perhaps even freeing to do something she never dreamt she'd be able to do. Chelsea was painting her toenails a bright yellow that stood out against her skin color. Chelsea moved methodically and quickly, missing the skin around her nails for a professional and clean look. Jane was sitting in the plush chair with a hydrating face mask on. It didn't do much seeing as how her skin was already perfect, but it was the thought that counted. On top of her eyes were two slices of cucumber; Odessa was snacking on the rest of it. On the television was a dystopian movie about sending children to their death. Jane thought it was a great movie to watch after reading the synopsis.

"Sounds like someone is dying," Jane commented gleefully as a young girl was slaughtered on screen with a sword.

Odessa snorted as Chelsea asked, "Why do you have your eyes covered when you're the one who wanted to watch this movie?"

"We all agreed upon this move. Besides, I like hearing it just as much."

"I never realized how sadistic you are," Odessa said.

"Seriously?" Chelsea asked incredulously. "Jane is the definition of sadistic."

"Really? She does not seem that bad," Odessa said off-handedly as Chelsea finished up her nails. She admired the gloss and smiled appreciatively. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"I still don't understand Jane being sadistic, though," Odessa said as she pulled various nail polish colors towards herself and held them out. "Pink, right?"

"Yes, bit the lighter shade, not the darker one," Chelsea said as she prepped her nails. "You haven't been here long enough to see that side of her. No offense."

"None taken. That is true."

"Missions are a good way to see that side of her," Chelsea shuddered as she remembered the way Jane took control with no mercy.

"I'm not that scary," Jane complained.

"You don't remember the time you killed a baby?" Chelsea asked loudly.

"It was an immortal baby. What did you expect me to do?"

"You threw it into a pyre!"

"The only way to kill it was by fire."

"You smiled when you did it!"

"I was happy to be going home."

Odessa busted into laughter at their banter, accidentally rolling her foot over and smearing her nail polish over the floor. Her laughter came to a halt as she eyed the mistake and sheepishly looked at Chelsea. Chelsea sighed and motioned for her to grab the nail polish remover. She did so, additionally grabbing cotton pads, and handed them to Chelsea.

"You're on your own if you mess them up again," Chelsea said as she repainted them.

"I am sorry," Odessa apologized, "but how can you expect me not to react when your banter is so funny!"

"Speaking of banter," Jane said as she removed the cucumber slices from her eyes. "We need to sort out your problems before I go gray."

"You cannot go gray," Odessa deadpanned.


"You cannot figuratively go gray!" Odessa argued.

"Actually, you can," Chelsea said with a grimace. "Trust me, being in the Volturi will definitely make you feel a million years old."

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