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suspiciously - sus·pi·cious·ly - /səˈspiSHəslē/

1. with a cautious distrust or suspicion of someone or something
2. in a way that arouses suspicion or distrust.

Odessa was scolding herself for giving in to the blonde's demands. Throughout her entire vacation, she couldn't help but recall the words the blonde had thrown at her. She had debated with herself the entire time and couldn't even enjoy her vacation. She was stressed and angry and didn't know how to calm herself down. How dare that blonde woman accuse her of not caring about the child's well-being. Of course she cared! Maybe it wasn't so obvious by her actions and her refusal to go, but she only did that to protect herself. So what if she was a little selfish! She had to look out for herself. Especially when she had no one else to do it. She was running through the forest. She hoped she got there in time to help them with their request. She'd help and then leave as soon as the whole thing was over. Maybe she'd relocate somewhere else. Her scent was too strong around her home and if she ran into someone with a gift for tracking, then she'd be as good as dead.

A huge creature jumped out of the brush beside her, and she moved to dodge the attack. She whipped her head back and saw a huge wolf chasing her down. She looked on in fright. She had heard about the Children of the Moon, and even though they were supposed to have been eradicated, it seemed the Volturi had missed a few. She briefly wondered why the blonde woman failed to mention such creatures were living so close to her home and noted to bring it up once she made it to her destination.

She dodged another attack by jumping from a tree trunk. She felt the wolf's hot breath against her pants and started to panic. She wasn't as fast as full-fledged vampires. The difference wasn't that noticeable, but it made a difference in fights. Scared, she jumped high into a tree and stopped to catch her breath. She watched the wolf jump up and down in an attempt to catch her. With no other way out, she used the trees to escape.

The animal followed her to a river but stopped once she crossed it. She took note of that and continued. She dropped from a tree and walked past the tree line. A house much bigger than her cottage came into view. It was white, pristine, and screamed money; it was the total opposite of her humble abode and showed a lot of upkeep. Personally, it wasn't her taste. It was too formal - too cookie-cutter - and lacked the character a house should have. Of course, the inside could be completely different, but if her memory of the blonde's and brunette's clothes served her right, they were ostentatious with their belongings.

She took four steps before a group of vampires cut her off. They stood a ways away from her. The group consisted of a copper-headed male, a female brunette, a russet-skinned male with jet black hair, and a little girl who looked no older than ten. The fluttering heartbeat of the child led Odessa to conclude she was the hybrid.

"Who are you?" the copper-headed male asked. She observed the physical similarities he shared with the child and defined him as the father. The female must be the mother, she surmised. She didn't know the relation the darker-skinned male had with the rest of them. He was not a vampire as blood clearly pumped through his veins and he smelt like wet dog.

"I came here to help, yet you show me much hostility," Odessa said with a raised eyebrow.

"Your heart," the brunette spoke up. "Are you like Renesmee? Are you the one Alice went looking for?"

"I don't know who this Alice person you are talking about is. I was informed of your," she paused to find the right words, "situation by a blonde and her mate," Odessa told them.

"Rosalie and Emmett?" the brunette asked. Said vampires walked out of the house and stood next to the small group. Odessa's eyes moved to the door the duo came out of and caught sight of multiple sets of eyes on her. They had a lot of witnesses.

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