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Arguably - ar·gu·a·bly - /ˈärɡy(o͞o)əblē/

1. it may be argued (used to qualify the statement of an opinion or belief)

Odessa fell into an easy rhythm with the Volturi and found herself not minding the place at all. She became close to Felix and Santiago and began to treasure the time they spent training together. After a few days, they were able to comfortably converse to their heart's content. They found themselves joking around and getting along after training, spending at least an hour after the training completed to talk and hang out. They were easy-going and honest people, and Odessa appreciated that. They didn't prance around topics or give half-assed answers. It was refreshing.

She spent her nights with Alec, basking in his presence. Some nights they talked about what they enjoyed or what they hated the most, and some nights they laid in silence, just taking each other in. Alec was just as he presented himself: powerful, strong, and reliable. He was a mystery and lived with formalities like a gentleman. He always let her leave a room first, or held a door open for her. He held her firmly yet loose enough so she wouldn't bruise. The only time he had bruised her was when they slept together. Lost in the woes of passion and intensity, he had not slowed down in the slightest. Once they'd finished, he had apologized, but she brushed him off. They were barely visible and barely hurt. She certainly didn't care about them enough to hold off on another round.

When she wasn't training with Felix and Santiago or spending time with Alec, she was trying to get to know Jane. Alec claimed Jane liked her, but Odessa wasn't convinced. The girl barely spoke to her and gave her blank looks all the time. Odessa tried to converse with her, but the blonde was unresponsive. It was awkward and uncomfortable, so she avoided being alone with Jane. She'd continue to try for Alec, and because eventually they'd be teammates.

Other than that, she spent her time trying to convince Aro, Marcus, and Caius to let her gather her things from her cottage and visit Nahuel. She wanted to know more about her brother and his aunt. She also wasn't opposed to visiting Renesmee. Continuously, they told her she couldn't leave because she was still in her probation period, but they praised her for adapting to the Volturi. It didn't make sense to her.

So, there she was standing in front of the three rulers with a determined look upon her face for the second time that week. She opened her mouth to make her case when Marcus held up a hand to stop her. She snapped her mouth shut and crossed her arms over her chest. Aro sighed and addressed her.

"We have discussed your concerns and we have agreed to let you leave Volterra for 2 weeks. That should be sufficient time to gather your belongings and visit whomever you desire," Aro said.

"What changed your mind?" she asked dubiously.

"You've been pestering us since you came here about getting your things, yet you choose to question us when we give you permission," Caius simmered.

"That is exactly why I asked," Odessa said. "I have asked at least ten times over the past month, and you dismissed me each time."

"Marcus strongly believes that you have integrated yourself within the Volturi with ease," Aro informed her. "While that normally would cause concern, Felix, Santiago, and Jane have vouched for you. We believe your probation period is moot at this point. When you return from your travels, we will begin your initiation into the guard."

That wasn't what she expected when she entered the throne room. She was flabbergasted and could only nod to show that she heard what he said.

"Thank you," she stuttered out embarrassingly.

"Of course, my dear," Aro said. "Please make your preparations for your trip. Alec, you will accompany her."

"Yes, master," Alec said quietly. He held out an arm for Odessa to take and started walking toward their rooms. Odessa walked beside him and contemplated what just transpired.

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