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Victoriously - vic·to·ri·ous·ly - /vɪkˈtɔːriəsli/

1. in a way that shows somebody has won a victory

2. triumphantly

Odessa hadn't expected the headache that ensued as soon as she captured everyone within her gift. The amount was a lot to take on at once, and Odessa couldn't help but wince at the pounding sensation that immediately began. It probably didn't help that she hadn't fed in a few days. Doing such a wide range and huge attack without feeding almost immediately before was bad. And Odessa knew that - should have known that. She had been too hasty and panicked to really think about what she was doing. However, this could play out in her favor. If she played her cards right, she could dismember many of the opposing vampires before she'd have to release her gift.

Odessa glanced around her as everyone within the vicinity was frozen. They were still able to talk, as her gift only affected the parts of the mind that affected motor skills, and a cacophony of disgruntled voices filled the air. Those from the opposition stared at her with hatred and fear, while those in the Volturi stared at her with annoyance. She smiled sheepishly at her clanmates as she apologized with her eyes. It wasn't her fault that she couldn't pick out those to release. It was harder to do so when everyone was mixed together and all over the place. If they had been two separate entities - two separate groups - then she would have been able to let all of the Volturi go and keep the opposition frozen. But that wasn't the case.

She saw movement in her peripherals and balked at the unfamiliar smirking face running straight at her. She had no choice but to let everyone go to defend herself against the oncoming attack. She jumped back as the vampire tried punching her, and ducked as another vampire tried ambushing her. Chaos ensued around her as her gift was released. Odessa cursed the vampire in front of her as they had ruined her plans. It had been strenuous to have everyone under her complete control, but she had been willing to off enough members of the opposition before her control slipped to give the Volturi an advantage in the fight. That plan was out the window. She winced as the vampire connected a punch to her face and caused her to stumble backwards. The vampire took advantage and pounced on her, trapping her beneath their grip.

"Looks like the almighty and powerful Odes isn't so almighty and powerful," they sneered in her face.

"You know Vera, I am guessing," Odessa grunted out as she tried getting out of the hold.

"Vera is the change we need; she's the future of the vampire community," they said.

"Vera is nothing but a rat," Odessa spit out.

"She wanted you on our side," they continued talking. "The whole point of kidnapping you was to persuade you to help us. Guess your sisters failed."

"Whatever information you had on me must not have been that great considering I have never been close with them." She pushed against the vampire and escaped for a moment before they held her hands against the ground. "How did you escape my hold?"

"It wasn't hard," the vampire laughed. "My gift allows me to negate gifts that are based in the mind. Vera told us how your gift works, and I had no doubt my gift would negate the effects of yours."

Odessa cried out in anguish and pain as the vampire pressed down harder on her hands and wrists. She looked around wildly before she made eye contact with Demetri. He eyed her situation and immediately ran over to help her. He picked the vampire up and ripped off their head before holding a hand out and helping Odessa stand.

"Thanks," Odessa breathed out in relief.

"Well, Alec would surely be heartbroken. Besides, everyone quite likes you. It would be a shame to let you die," Demetri remarked.

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