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Foolishly - fool·ish·ly - /ˈfo͞oliSHli/

1. in an unwise manner; stupidly

Odessa ran into the castle and straight to the throne room. When she arrived, she spotted Caius; Aro and Marcus's thrones were empty. She inwardly cursed at her luck and impatiently huffed out a breath. She would have to deal with Caius and his false accusations. There was no time to wait to inform someone of the information she received. Behind her, Heidi greeted Caius and told him what she knew after he asked why they barged into the room tactlessly.

"Where is Aro?" Odessa asked. She knew he would be able to understand everything that had happened without questioning anything. Knowing Caius, he would question everything and silently wonder if she was conspiring against the Volturi along with Vera.

"He took Marcus to the wives' tower for a visit. Why do you need to see him?" Caius questioned.

"I have news about the opposition the Volturi is facing right now," Odessa started. "I thought it would be beneficial to have Aro read my mind rather than relay the events so that the events and facts are not skewed. Seeing as he is not here, I do not have that benefit. Do you think he would be inclined to meet me here and cut his visit short?"

"Marcus has been in dire need of a visit to see Corin and the wives," Caius denied, "Whatever you have to tell Aro, you can tell me. He and I are equals, after all."

"How do I know you will not try to condemn everything I say?" Odessa accused him. "You are not exactly my ally."

"You are a part of the Volturi; therefore, I am an ally of yours," Caius scoffed at her accusation. "Just because I dislike you and do not trust you doesn't mean I am your enemy."

"Fine, but I will be speaking with Aro after this." Caius tried to protest, but Odessa cut him off. "It is not because I do not trust you to relay everything without bias - although that certainly is a thought. I do not trust myself to have decoded everything she has said with accuracy. Vera is known for dropping hints when she talks, but I have never been good at recognizing them. It would do us some good if Aro had a look at what she said and shared that information with you and others."

"Very well," Caius spoke. Then, he addressed Heidi and said, "Heidi, leave us. I believe this is a private matter."

"Of course, Master Caius," Heidi bowed before she left the room, leaving only Caius and Odessa in the room. It was weird being the only two people in the throne room. Usually, there were at least seven people in the room at a time - the three leaders, Renata, and three other vampires to help guard in case of a disaster. And while the majority of the time the room was quiet due to the peaceful nature of Volterra, the silence in the room was palpitating. Odessa was intimidated by Caius's stare and his position. He sat upon his throne, slightly elevated due to the steps leading up to the three thrones. He sat with his legs crossed and the back of his hand leaning against his cheek. A bored yet attentive expression adorned his face.

"Do begin," Caius waved Odessa on. Odessa tensed and automatically straightened her already straight posture.

"Of course," she said. So, she told him everything. She told him how Vera had taken her to a secluded and dark place to talk without prying ears, how Vera had warned Odessa, how she had threatened Odessa with Alec, how Vera had confirmed that there was an inside man - someone who knew things about Odessa, how they were going to attack for days. As Odessa relayed everything that happened with Vera, she couldn't help but be stuck on the fact that someone was feeding Vera information. She knew it couldn't possibly be anyone in the actual Volturi. They were monitored too much to be able to go under the radar for so long.

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