[ Prologue ]

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Third Person POV


She could've sworn it was him. Even if she couldn't get a clear view and he wasn't facing her way- she just knew. He was her lover, after all. There was no mistake about it.

So why was it that when he turned around, it wasn't him.

Physically, it was him. His pink hair that was slicked back, his notable red eyes, his black curse marks, his oversized white kimono that he wore because of his true curse form- it was unmistakeable. But... something.

Something about this person that stood before her was not Sukuna.

Maybe it was the glint in his eyes that made it look as if she was his vulnerable prey. Maybe it was the aura he was exuding that was so immense that it felt suffocating. Maybe it was something else entirely. But whatever it was, (y/n) did not like it one bit.

"Yes, princess?" He sent her a smile, but she knew there was a hint of... malice behind it.

Her hand cautiously pulled away from his shoulder and she hesitantly took a step back. Sukuna's grin only widened at her visible fear and approached her frightened state- each step back only resulted in him two steps closer.

"What's wrong?" The pinkette questioned with a knowing smirk that was too unsettling for her liking- almost as if he knew this was all part of plan, "Don't be scared. You're hurting my feelings, princess."

"D-Don't come any closer," (y/n) stammered and accidentally tripped on her own feet. She fell onto her butt but that didn't stop her from scooting even further back, "You're not Sukuna."

"Oh, but I am," he simply responded as the shadows on his face only intensified his bloodlust, crimson eyes, "I thought you loved me. Why are you accusing me of lying?"

He crouched down in front of the shaking female and forcefully grabbed her chin so all of her attention was on him. With wavering eyes, she trembled under his grasp and could only stare back at the bloody, red sea void in his eyes- entrancing her in a state of awe and indescribable terror.

"C'mon princess, aren't you glad to see me?" He questioned in an almost saddened tone but anyone could tell it was more mocking than anything, "What's with the face?"

"S-Stay back!" She screamed and tried activating her curse... but Sukuna was able to move his hand to caress her face, "H-Huh...?"

"I'm hurt, princess," he stated in a low tone as his face neared closer and closer to hers, "You'd dare use your jujutsu on me..."

She tried desperately to shake her head out of his grasp- or at the very least look the other direction- but with every little motion came with a tighter hold of his fingernails tearing into her skin. The punctures became unbearable and the poor maiden screamed in agony, only to fall onto deaf ears.

Every wriggle, every turn, every act of defiance only lead to more and more pain.

"Remember..." Sukuna trailed off with a malevolent intent- the wounded female whimpered at the sight of nothing but his piercing, red eyes, "That I love you...


With a passionate kiss on her lips, he took the katana that materialized in thin air and sliced through her neck.

Heaven's Cursed Souls (Sukuna x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now