- Headcanon: If You had Kids

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Headcanon in which there is a mini Sukuna and (y/n) running around 😃

Anyways let's get on with it!


▪️ The first kid was entirely unintentional

▪️ No, literally. (Y/n) thought that they were incapable of creating a child considering they were both curses

▪️ Not gonna lie, she thought if they did have a child, it would spawn off their negative energy, ya know?

▪️ But BAM! One day, pregnancy symptoms came about and she was hella cOnFuSeD

▪️ Like "Why the hell am I hating chocolate and craving soy sauce on ice cream? ㅠㅠ"

▪️ She thought she was sick at first but that wouldn't make sense considering curses don't get illnesses 🙃

▪️ She thought she got cursed again as another option 💀

▪️ It wasn't until she took a train all the way to Tokyo to ask Shoko what was happening that the ✨ blissful ignorance ✨ vanished

▪️ "(Y/n), aren't you just pregnant?"
"... Heh?" 👁👄👁
"..." 🧍‍♀️
"EHHH?!" 😱

▪️ She undoubtedly went to Gojo for advice because she knew- she freaking knew- Sukuna hated children that she needed external help to break it to him

▪️ Gojo suggested that he tells Sukuna in her stead

▪️ Obviously she said 'no' because knowing him, he would be like:
"Su-Su~ We're carrying a child!" 🥺
"There is no way in hell that you and I had a child-" 😒
"No, but you and (y/n) are." 😄👍🏻
"..." 🧍‍♂️

▪️ Do you see the problem? 🤦🏻‍♀️👆🏻

▪️ She was stressing the train ride back home and came to the conclusion to tell him straight up

▪️ As soon as she entered the palace, that was the first thing she said instead of saying 'Hi Suki' or 'I'm back'.

▪️ "Hey, princess-"

▪️ No way in hell did she even dare to look at him. Meanwhile, Sukuna just looked unfazed.

▪️ "Princess, I know you're pregnant."
"HUH?! B-But it's a child. Y'know... human- or maybe curse?"
"Okay and? I know how children work."
"So that night was intentional?!"
"Fuck no."

▪️ That should've been an obvious sign he had no idea how children work because you two were both curses 💀

▪️ Sukuna explained that he figured it out a couple days ago but didn't want confirm anything yet

▪️ He also had to reassure (y/n) that even though he doesn't necessarily want a child, he wouldn't mind one either (which highkey surprised her)

▪️ Before the child was born... let's just say Sukuna had no clue how children worked

▪️ It was already obvious that (y/n) would be in charge of naming the child and stuff like that, but (y/n) was worried that Sukuna wouldn't be a good father

▪️ Which- I mean- she's correct 🤡

▪️ "Suki, which toys should we decorate the baby's room with?"
"Kids have toys-?"

▪️ That being said, he was also very overprotective over (y/n) because he didn't know what to do about the bump forming on her stomach

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