Chapter 18: At My Worst

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"W-Who are you...?"


Third Person POV

What was he supposed to feel?

Anger? Despair? Regret? Was it any of those or all three combined? Maybe there wasn't a word that could describe the unbearable pain he felt... Utterly devastated?

It was funny, really. The King of Curses haven't feared nor felt pain in such a long time, nor had he felt the same way about death. He was the strongest and always wanted to find someone worthy of a challenge. Maybe he even wanted to die just so he can feel something new rather than his normal routine.

Of course, he didn't doubt for one second that he would win, but just somebody to entertain him- even if it was only a little... and that was when he met her.

So is this what death feels like?

The only ever human he thought was a smidgen intriguing- hell, he even fell in love which he thought was impossible for a curse to do so. Maybe she cursed him to have his human heart back or something, who knows.

"What?" Sukuna simply asked and didn't even realize he was speaking to be perfectly honest.

Her wide, doe-like (e/c) eyes glanced over at him in a sheepish, confused manner, "I-I'm sorry but who are you?"

"Princess why... did you say that?" The King of Curses breathed out, trying to ignore the loud, rapid beating of his cursed heart. The other three tensed up considerably in this situation and had no words on what to do.

"I know I am the heiress of the (l/n) family, but please, you do not have to use formalities around me," (y/n) faintly smiled before she hastily stood up and bowed, "O-Oh right! I'm sorry, I have not introduced myself either. I am (y/n) (l/n), it is nice to meet you all."

"(L/n)-sensei, do you not remember us?" A teenaged girl with light brown hair asked as the said female turned towards her in puzzlement.

"Sensei? Ah! If you're looking for the Jujutsu school it should be..." the (h/c)-nette placed her index finger on her lips in contemplation and searched around before bashfully rubbing the back of her head, "Actually I have no idea where I'm at haha... Am I still in Kokufu?"

"Kokufu?" The tall, white-haired man muttered under his breath as (y/n) decided not to question the blindfold, "(Y/n), what was the last thing you remember?"

"I don't really know if I have the authority to say this but... just don't tell anyone, okay?" She clapped her hands together in a begging manner as the four of them slightly nodded, "I was just with my father and the emperor discussing the attack on our neighboring province, Etchū... wait..."

Her (e/c) eyes widened in realization as she stumbled back in a hesitant, cautious stance. Gojo scowled at his coworker's explanation as the two first-years stared somberly at their teacher. Sukuna was just... quiet.

"Is this an attack?! Are you using me as a hostage of some sort?" (Y/n) shouted and activated her jujutsu but it lacked the precision and tension it used to have, "S-Stay back! I swear you have the wrong person- oh, who am I kidding, I just revealed my identity... Argh I'm so stupid."

She facepalmed aggressively at her own stupidity as everyone sent her pitiful gazes- not wanting to accept this outcome whatsoever.

"(Y/n), do you really not remember us at all?" The blindfolded man asked with such seriousness in his tone that (y/n) felt intimidated, almost like she was at fault for something she didn't do.

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