Chapter 19: Let Go

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"Wait for me, okay? I'll save you."


Third Person POV

"How's (y/n) doing?" Gojo asked Megumi as he exited the said female's room.

The raven-haired sorcerer sighed, "Terrible. She's been curled into a ball for the past hour as Itadori and Kugisaki tries to distract her but nothing seems to be working."

"Damn, I should've gone to her first... maybe things wouldn't have ended up like this."

"Gojo-sensei..." Megumi drawled out almost hesitantly, "What happened between you and Sukuna earlier?"

Gojo frowned and leaned against the wall- messing with the top of his blindfold, "Surprisingly, nothing much really."

— Flashback —

"Oi, jujutsu sorcerer," Sukuna suddenly halted in his tracks once the two were a good enough distance away from (y/n), "I'm gonna kill you now."

The white-haired male exhaled comedically, trying to lighten up the heavy atmosphere, "Hear me out, okay? I know you're not in the best of moods right now-"

"Wow, you think? What could've given that away," the pink-haired curse sneered sarcastically as Gojo scowled, "Are you going to stop me or something? Either way, I'm going to destroy your petty excuse of jujutsu society so I don't want to hear it."

"I know you're upset as to what happened to (y/n) but I think it's reversible."

An irk mark was visible on Sukuna's forehead as he gritted his teeth and tightly clenched his hands, "Upset? Upset?! Upset is an understatement. I only played along this stupid deal so she doesn't get hurt, but look at where we are now- she doesn't fucking remember me. Do you really think I give a damn anymore?"

"Sukuna, whoever attacked (y/n) wanted you to feel like this and go against us," Gojo calmly spoke. He wasn't going to lie and say he was fine either- he was pissed off that his favorite coworker lost her memories too- but he can't let the King of Curses hurt his students nor innocent civilians, "And you know that, don't you?"

"Of course I do," the red-eyed curse scoffed before his grave, half-lidded expression came back and curse energy spiraled around him, "But what am I supposed to do? Wait? I don't have time for that knowing she might forget me altogether...

So get out of my way, you damn jujutsu sorcerer."

It couldn't be helped. Sukuna went in for the kill- attacking the shaman with curse energy left and right... and Gojo let him. Better him than the others was his assurance.

But there was an instance- it was so quick and barely noticeable compared to the fast-paced fighting the two were going at- that made the fight stop for one second.

"Two weeks."

Sukuna scrunched up his eyebrows in irritation as he went to swipe Gojo in the jaw, "Hah?!"

"I said..." the blindfolded male's infinity slowed Sukuna just enough where he was able to restrain him with ease, "Give me two weeks. In two weeks' time, I'll reverse (y/n)'s current state."

That caught Sukuna's attention in which he smirked in amusement, "So are you proposing a pact, jujutsu sorcerer?"

"Nah," Gojo playfully waved his hand in disagreement as the pinkette formed another irk mark, "I get pretty lazy so I won't promise anything but... I'm confident that we can get her back."

Heaven's Cursed Souls (Sukuna x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now