Chapter 26: Fake Love

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"Cursed Technique: Heaven's Cursed Souls."


Third Person POV

"Ehh...?" Amaterasu- the goddess of the sun, the ruler of the Plain of Heaven- spoke in disgust and her eye twitch at the sight of a black-haired man with yellow eyes, "What are you doing here, Tsukuyomi?"

"Oh," this unknown man replied back with the same revulsive tone and deadpanned, "It's you."

"Perfect," Geto had mumbled under his breath at these two entities in front of him- completely ignoring the still golden Queen of Curses being held back by her servant and her husband. At first, Sukuna let her be but now he has to worry about two powerful figures taking over (y/n)'s body like last time, "Both the goddess of the sun and the god of the moon are summoned in the human realm..."

"What is that supposed to mean, huh?!" Amaterasu exclaimed and stomped over to the irritated-looking god, "I still need an apology from you after you fucking killed my friend, Ukemochi."

"First of all, you were the one who did not want go to the Gods' feast and subbed me in your place," this male, presumably named Tsukuyomi, glared at Amaterasu, "Second, it wasn't me who killed her- it was Susanoo. Now can you stop being petty and return to the realm of divinity like you are supposed to? The humans are acting like we're divorced because the sun and moon are no longer in the sky together-"

Amaterasu interrupted his whole rant by swiftly pointing her finger to the group next to them consisting of the King and Queen of Curses and three other sorcerers- as well as Geto on the other side of them but Amaterasu could care less.

"Oh, more humans," Tsukuyomi not-so-discreetly made a disdainful face before faking a smile, "Forget I said all that."

"Do not act being nice now!" Amaterasu fumed.

"Oh would you look at that?" The tall, black-haired man blatantly ignored the goddess and approached a glowing, upset (y/n), "It's our original summoner's daughter? So she's now able to summon two gods now... Hmm very interesting."

Sukuna rose a brow at that statement as (y/n)- which keep in mind, is very much blinded by anger- narrowed her eyes at a freaking god. She was originally going to order them to murder Geto until she noticed the said male appear behind the distracted god of the moon.

"Watch out-!" Hamamura tried to warn the golden-eyed male to which he simply smirked.

"Cursed Technique: Devil's Seal-!"

"Cursed Technique: Night Fall."

The room was suddenly enveloped in shadows as the only form of lights were these bright 'stars' in the black abyss.

"Over the top, as always," Amaterasu sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. The god of the moon abruptly sunk down into the shadows to which Geto took a step back in confusion. Within a second, Tsukuyomi reappeared behind Geto, disarmed him from the crystal he was holding and curiously inspected it.

"The sealing crystal..." (y/n) murmured and widened her eyes at the familiar looking object that used to hold Amaterasu in.

"Sealing crystal? Did a foolish human really think they can seal a god?" Tsukuyomi bemusedly implored as Amaterasu's mouth became a fine, thin line and glanced away. That did not go unnoticed by Tsukuyomi at all, "Oh? Did the supposed strongest of all the gods get sealed away with a measly little sealing object? Was that the reason you never returned to the divine realm for a thousand years-?"

Heaven's Cursed Souls (Sukuna x Reader) SEQUELWhere stories live. Discover now