Chapter 1: City Lights

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Third Person POV

"Sukuna, look! You can make your own crepes!"

(Y/n) did not even let the red-eyed curse let a word in as she dragged him into the small, quaint café. Her (e/c) eyes lit up at the multitude of various desserts lining the display cases as well as the delicate aroma of sweets accompanied with a slight tinge of coffee. Her gaze landed on a particular display of macarons of all different flavors and undoubtedly ran over to it- leaving Sukuna several steps behind.

"What the hell is a 'crepe'?" Sukuna deadpanned and neared the overenthusiastic (h/c)-nette with his hands in his pockets. To be honest, the pinkette was very much overwhelmed by how many foods there were to show and couldn't even recognize half of it, "It sounds like some disease you could contract."

"Heh?" (Y/n) turned to him in genuine confusion before forming her mouth to create an 'ohh' shape, "Oh right, I forgot it's been awhile since you've been physically here."

She let out a faint chuckle as Sukuna rolled his eyes and opted to just stay close to her and silently inspect the foreign treats.

How did they get here, you may ask? Simple! But unexpected... It came to a shock to both the King and Queen of Curses when Yuuji suggested that they have a 'date night out'.

Bless this boy's heart ㅠㅠ

— Flashback —

"(L/n)-sensei!" The sound of one of her students sounded in the school's hallways.

"Hm?" (Y/n) turned around in puzzlement at the sight of Yuuji running at her and frantically waving his hand to catch her attention, "Is there anything you need, Yuuji?"

Once the pink-haired teenager finally caught up to her, he sent a wide smile that reached to his ears, "Ah yes! I need to tell you something."

"Oh? What is it?" The (y/h) female asked and completely faced him to give her full attention.

"So I managed to pull some strings and used my irresistible, puppy-like charm to..." he trailed off with a mischievous, content grin to which the (h/c)-haired female slightly sweat-dropped at, "Get you and this cranky, whining old man a date night out!"

"Hahh!?" Sukuna exclaimed as a mouth formed on the boy's cheek, "What'd you call me, brat?!"

(Y/n) tilted her head in obvious confusion and furrowed her eyebrows, "A date night out? Where'd this suddenly come from, Yuuji?"

"Well..." he bashfully rubbed the back of his neck, "I heard you crying last night and thought you had a rough night... I thought you needed Sukuna more instead of me so I let him switch, but I feel like you're still bothered by something, sensei."

"Sorry, did my behavior come across like that today?" (Y/n) sincerely asked before sending her student a grateful smile, "Thank you for your consideration but you don't have to do anything."

Yuuji quickly shook his head accompanied with a determined expression, "It's nothing, (l/n)-sensei! I've talked to Gojo-sensei earlier and he said you two can have a full day to yourselves. Granted, he said he'll be around the whole time to make sure Sukuna doesn't go on a rampage- but not enough to intrude-!"

The brown-eyed male stopped his ranting when he noticed his teacher became teary-eyed. He immediately began to panic and cautiously brought his hand out to the whimpering female as a hesitant gesture.

"I'm sorry, sensei! I didn't mean to make you cry-!"

"Wahh! Yuuji-kun, you're too nice!" (Y/n) gave him a thankful hug and a light head pat, "Remind me to buy you cookies later, okay?"

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