Chapter 23: Ocean Eyes

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"Lady (y/n)..."


Third Person POV

Aeonian: eternal, everlasting


- A E O N I A N -

[You see, we have two philosophies...]

"You..." Sukuna trailed off at the sight of the familiar woman clad in a white kimono, "Why are you...?"

[One, where we live for a purpose.]

Each word packed in more anger than the last. A blank look settled onto the woman's face as she remained silent at the question. Why was that?


No words. No movement. No emotion.

[And one, where we are mindless puppets to the game we call 'life'.]

Everyone else prepared for an attack. Actually, no. That was not the reason why they were quiet. That was not the reason they waited. In fact, that was not the reason why they didn't even dare to breathe. This lady in front of them... is so much deadlier than anything they have fought before.

They were absolutely terrified.

Because they knew... they knew if they disturb this calm before the storm, they might end up dead before they know it. Yet she hasn't made a single move nor any other utterance. I repeat: She. has. not. moved. That's the scary part. How can someone have such an intimidating aura if they haven't even done anything yet?

"Were you..." Yuuji spoke up first and everyone became more guarded when she simply shifted her gaze at the pink-haired boy, "Were you the one who cursed (l/n)-sensei?! Were you the cause of her pact?!"


"ITADORI!" Megumi and Nobara screamed panically when- in that spontaneous instant- the deadly, silent woman appeared in front of him and took (y/n) from his grasp.

Too fast. That was way too fast for the human eye to comprehend.

"No-!" Yuuji exclaimed and extended his arm to reach her. It was just out of grasp.

"(L/N)-SENSEI!" Megumi was thankful that his body responded for him as he lunged forward to grab his teacher back... but it was all fruitless.

Every time he reached, every time he spun around, every time he went in to attack- this unknown woman effortlessly dodged as if she was simply dancing around him. She was light on her feet despite carrying the unconscious maiden.

Nobara gave a loud shout as she aimed the side of her hammer to the back of this woman's head. A small, quick glance... that's all it took.

This lady that suddenly took their teacher away from them seemingly teleported and placed the (h/c)-nette on the floor furthest away from the three. All of that occurred in a span of three seconds max as this woman's inhuman speed appeared in front of the brown-haired sorcerer and tapped her forehead.

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